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Everything posted by WettinLine

  1. Pump, and filtration all work excellent. $200
  2. Shad Tank Made by - Creek Bank Size - 30 gallon $220
  3. Minn Kota Maxxum 24v 42" Shaft 65lbs Thrust
  4. I was on the water at Cape Fair Friday, I put in at point 15 and ran up Flat to the Dry Cheek, and up to Blunks with no issues. I don't suggest that the glittery boats make either of those runs, but the aluminum boats will have no issues, flip up the puck, and hammer down!
  5. Prime example of that - go Google beaver lake striper guides. Ive heard the constant pressure on Beaver lake by guides is a large contributer in the loss of the 20+ Striper http://www.beaverfeverguides.com
  6. Good point, you must have a job that requires you to stay on task
  7. Hey MJK, I posted under general discussion, not fishing reports. I wanted to see what people thought about guides making money on tax dollars, I'm not "idiot" that went on a tangent. Out of everyone who posted and stuck to the subject thanks your values are well received, the rest are guys are like you who want to change status with more wasted posting "Golden Shiner"!
  8. I beg to differ sir, you are still engaged or I'd have nothing to reply to.
  9. I really don't believe that you would've have taken the time to sit down and hammer out that rant, if you believed what you wrote. I was actually looking for a serious discussion but its impossible with all the hurt butt on this site. Is this facebook, do you need my address and a pic of me on my profile with a list of my likes, dislikes and +1's? Oh right that is me in the pic too! I'm not mocking the guide trade, but I do think regulations on stocked fish should have some different regulations. Get some wet wipes it does wonders!
  10. Lets answer a few of your questions- I do have a job after all. Yes I do think its kind of crap that a guide can operate on public water funded with tax dollars, but I can live with that. Answering your next four questions is a waste of time, your talking dipshit. I'd like if the guides did turn the fish loose. Obviously your not a farmer, or know how that market works so I'll save some time on that cluster of DS. I don't think guides cheat more then other cash business at all, that is not what I'm staying, but a cheat is a cheat. Finally (drum roll), the answer is yes, I love stirring the OAF pot! So put that in your pipe and smoke it!!!!!
  11. You're right, I'm not disputing that at all. Kids are a prime way of cheating on taxes!
  12. Oh since they made a bad profession choice its ok to not pay taxes.
  13. The lawn business its making money off tax dollars, your talking about a totally different animal!
  14. You obviously weren't down by Cape Fair the first two weeks of Spoonbill season. The guides tied up every fish in legal size they caught, with eight clients in a boat that is allot of fish, it was sick! The guides are catching all the fish not the clients, eight poles wide all in holders, 16 oz of lead, and driving fast - the clients are just reelers. I can't say I haven't used a guide on a stocked fish, I used a real professional out of Archers and Anglers on my first time trout fishing, he was catch and release kind of guy, a true conservationist.
  15. I stand corrected awhuber, maybe we should mark stocked fish EATER\TOSS BACK
  16. I'm sure the roads and the lake would survive without guides. I know a few hunting guides, and it seems like a cash business, especially when you show up on the water or property without a card machine, but i'm sure they are all really honest people and pay taxes on every dollar!!! WRONG
  17. Can you guide without a fishing license? NO Guides are assisting in the pursuit of stocked game, can I cast your pole and hand it off without a license? NO This is no different then pushing deer to a poster and not having a deer tag. Mark Twain Forest would be leveled if this where true, I'd log it out, but don't worry your tax dollar would replant it! Its for down and dead wood only, not really the same. Taxi Cabs- Stink like BO
  18. I'm just looking for general banter on how everyone feels about guides making money on taxpayers dollars. For example Spoonbill are stocked by the MDC at roughly $8 a fish, or a trout $?, and someone can charge to assist you in obtaining these species that where put in the water with tax dollars. Can I go to public park, or national forest and cut firewood? Why not, I'll cut the wood and sell it, or burn it for heat, after all its funded with my tax dollars right? The only thing I can say I'm generally ok with is an animal that can repopulate without tax payers help. I'm sure you can argue this either way, but its just seems like there should be catch and release approach with MDC stock species if aided by a paid service. IT'S LIKE POKING A SLEEPING BEAR
  19. I'd like another thread about the Ned Rig, PLEASE!!
  20. No different then the pics I see on this site of two guys limit.
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