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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Thanks for all the info guys. I suppose Roaring River could be on the way from Tulsa to Lees Summit, but I usually hot-foot it from Tulsa to Joplin on I-44 and the smaller creeks are closer to Joplin. It's all a moot point now as my trip got canceled. No worries though - there's plenty of water here at home. No trout of course, but plenty of bass, crappie and bluegills coming to the fly now that the weather is cooling down. Thanks again folks.
  2. New guy here - new to this forum and to fly fishing MO trout. I'm traveling to Tulsa for business this Friday (09/30/11), and want to spend the day Saturday fishing my way back to my home in Lee's Summit. I'm not a new fisherman per se (I can read a creak, river, pond), I'm just not the best fly flinger in the world. Would you recommend Capps or Crane Creek for a new guy. I won't leave Tulsa until Sat morning so it would be around 8a by the time I could hit the water at Capps, maybe an hour later for Crane, but I plan to fish all day. I've read all the reports and reviews so I have a good idea of what flies to take out, I'm just not sure where to start. Thoughts?
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