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  1. GavinPosted 12 October 2012 - 08:21 PM Ed is dead. Bob aint Ed. DUDE, YOU SHOULD MAKE THAT YOU SIG LINE...PRETTY DICKISH THING TO SAY, BUT EXPECTED
  2. Compelling post, I thought someone should chime in after a week of silence. Apparently the bankbillys are too busy chasing stockers in the park.
  3. Your welcome oaf members! That is how you highjack an otherwise boring thread of a snagger destined for only a few replies and take it to the three page mark...mission accomplished
  4. Never said i was concerned about the feelings of fish, just the quality of our fisheries, especially those which support sustained wild reproduction. I am bothered by snaggers and people with little or no common sense. You and laker67 obviously don't get it, but I undetstand because higher level thinking is something out of your biological grasp. Your breed belongs in the powerbait section of the parks, why are you defending blatant ignorance. I realize my statements are far from the eloquent and tactful thoughts of 2sheds, however they weren't suppossed to be. I was speaking down to the level of the snagging, throwing trout on the shore for glory shots crowd that is so prolific on our streams. Hookless, what do I sound like some kind of hippy just cause I burn it down. Lot of clowns on this site and our streams...in the slightly altered words of Ron Burgundy, "stay class missouri."
  5. Ok, made it to work today through this storm and am feeling less angry. I'm sorry for "stirring the pot," Buzz. Part of the problem might be that I stirred instead of smoked, but I will try not to post in that frame of mind any more. I thought the "forum stew" so to speak could use a stirring anyway, kinda crusty around the edges lately. Note to self, don't make negative comments on the forum about people doing ignorant stuff, someone's feelings may get hurt. Yo TC, respect!
  6. Laker67, you are excused. I did not say there was anything illegal about throwing trout on the rocks ( or sand in the case of some recently posted photos of brown trout on the current river thread) to take poor quality photos of. Funny you should mention legality issues, when upon closer inspection one might notice the soft hackle fly imbeded in the side of trout picture number two. While accepted as a long standing traditionally respected method of angling by taney outlet pounders and park rats, snagging is frowned upon by anyone with the slightest bit of self respect. Props to you mdrstl, most people wouldn't post incriminating photos of themselves on the internet, blatant disrespect for trout and ethical angling...don't fear though rps and the rest of the snagger crew will have your back
  7. I'm not alarmed at the trout in your photos or your ironic concern for their health, however your habit of laying small trout out on the gravel while you snap poor quality photos is an irritating trend afflicting far to many anglers on this forum...what do you do with these crummy photos anyway?
  8. hey nice pics, looks like you guys had a good trip.. i have been looking at the watermasters and wanted some input, what rivers have you floated and how do they hold up?? some pros and cons if you dont mind....TROUT
  9. sorry for the delay... TROUT
  10. I had a good day fishing the low waters on monday. pulled two nice rainbows and a brown. i like low water because i enjoy sight fishing. there are big browns feeding in every slow run, just don't go stomping through the water and you can make a few casts at them. whats better than seeing a monster take your fly?? presentations matters when the waters are low, so good cast are important. id rather take my time and find fish, than blind cast into big holes. TROUT ill post some pics tongiht/tomorrwow.....
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