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Fly Fishing Fantasma

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About Fly Fishing Fantasma

  • Birthday 12/18/1979

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Smithville, MO
  • Interests
    Fishing, Fly-Fishing, flats fishing, Hunting, and anything outdoors. Good food, Meat(I'm in the business), Faith and Family!

Fly Fishing Fantasma's Achievements

Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. Thanks for the update! Been waiting for that. See you this weekend Tim!
  2. Thanks again Kevin, I think we will have to give that a try sometime! I really appreciate the feedback. Tight lines, Lou
  3. Thanks guys! Just been going to RR all my life and am scared to chance a trip on something different.
  4. Yeah...specifically in Backbone State Park is Richmond springs
  5. Thanks a lot kevin! So you would say that the fishing in general is just as good. Had a friend a RR last week and he said he couldn't remember fishing that good. There are areas in backbone that you have to hike to or canoe to? That might be a nice change from RR. What about the amount of fish over 3#? Any one place better for that?
  6. Anyone ever been? How does it compare to MO trout parks?
  7. I've fished MO trout parks all my life and was wondering how it was similar / different. Any info would be great. Would also like to know what you've heard about it.
  8. I've fished MO trout parks since I was a kid and was wondering if anyone has ever fished up there. Looking for differences ect. Thinking about checking it out.
  9. I've always fished RR since I was a kid and talking with a friend from IA he was telling me about Backbone State Park and the troutfishing there. Any instite on differences / similarities from RR to this place?
  10. Well...I guess I better get out there then! Thanks!
  11. Been seeing some nice pics of big crappie caught in the last week. Planning on getting out there soon.
  12. Nice report and pics! Glad to see someone on here posting about smithville. I live here and follow alot of the reports for trout parks. Looking forward to the whites going shallow later this fall. They are a blast!
  13. inflated night crawlers have been working. My family and I fished this body of water for the first time this last weekend and had luck with that technique. I also had some luck with powerbait eggs at night time. Good luck!
  14. Thanks for all the tips gentlemen! I did get to fish Sunday morning for about 3 hours. Missed a couple of fish first thing then hooked a nice little brown drifting a midge. Even just with that fish it was totally worth the trip, and I'd have to say not bad for my first time down. Thanks again Lou
  15. Thanks guys! I flyfished just down from the 1st outlet yesterday for a few hours. They were running 2 generators and the fish were layin there pretty good but did only get 1 to commit fishing a pink san juan worm about 2 feet under a scud about 3 feet below an indicator. Thank for the advice and look forward to tonight, maybe gonna try heading down there for some night fishing
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