Thanks a lot kevin!
So you would say that the fishing in general is just as good. Had a friend a RR last week and he said he couldn't remember fishing that good. There are areas in backbone that you have to hike to or canoe to? That might be a nice change from RR. What about the amount of fish over 3#? Any one place better for that?
I've fished MO trout parks all my life and was wondering how it was similar / different. Any info would be great. Would also like to know what you've heard about it.
I've fished MO trout parks since I was a kid and was wondering if anyone has ever fished up there. Looking for differences ect. Thinking about checking it out.
I've always fished RR since I was a kid and talking with a friend from IA he was telling me about Backbone State Park and the troutfishing there. Any instite on differences / similarities from RR to this place?
Nice report and pics! Glad to see someone on here posting about smithville. I live here and follow alot of the reports for trout parks. Looking forward to the whites going shallow later this fall. They are a blast!
inflated night crawlers have been working. My family and I fished this body of water for the first time this last weekend and had luck with that technique. I also had some luck with powerbait eggs at night time. Good luck!
Thanks for all the tips gentlemen! I did get to fish Sunday morning for about 3 hours. Missed a couple of fish first thing then hooked a nice little brown drifting a midge. Even just with that fish it was totally worth the trip, and I'd have to say not bad for my first time down.
Thanks again
Thanks guys! I flyfished just down from the 1st outlet yesterday for a few hours. They were running 2 generators and the fish were layin there pretty good but did only get 1 to commit fishing a pink san juan worm about 2 feet under a scud about 3 feet below an indicator. Thank for the advice and look forward to tonight, maybe gonna try heading down there for some night fishing