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  1. Update on the Georges Creek access, I was there this week and it looks like it wont be long! They have all the parking lot graveled and as of Wed. they were doing the dirt work for the ramp, so it shouldn't be long.
  2. I saw that the gauge had jumped to 32 feet its hard to imagine what the looks like! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAfnm28ndXo
  3. The water is really low for fishing above Pyatt, I find that below 12.5 there is a lot of dragging on that float above Pyatt.
  4. I was up there Saturday and I was shocked to check the gauge Saturday morning and it was almost at 17 ft. so when I finished the day I drove down to the slab to look and it was about a foot over the slab but not brown at all. Big creek was pretty and green when we passed in the morning but brown on the way home. The Buffalo at Carver was muddy all day so the rain must have just been in spots.
  5. Mojorig, Thanks for the update its good to hear from someone in the know. I vote you all buy it!
  6. I talked to someone that I know in Yellville that fishes the creek and he said that he had heard the same thing that the AG&F had bought the Georges Creek access but he said that he had not seen any work on it yet.
  7. I thought that someone mentioned that the Game and Fish had bought the property and was developing it as a public access.
  8. Does anyone know if anything has happened on the George's Creek access? Love to be able to use that again this spring. Thanks for any info
  9. I was up to Crooked Creek this weekend and I was surprised to find a big sign right is the middle of the access on the west side of the bridge it said something like "The land along Cooked Creek is private campers and trespassers will be prosecuted" When did this happen? I wonder if this is the area Hoglaw had his problems?
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