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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I found a place called Living Waters Canoe Camp, just above Lake Niangua that will allow our trailer to pick up the boats for 10 bucks! Not sure if there will be suitable gravel bars on that stretch. I can see a few gravel bars on Google maps, but hard to determine the size of the gravel.
  2. Looking for information on what the lower Niangua River is like 23 miles downstream from the trout park. I am planning a family float the weekend of July 23/24. I'm hoping the rowdy party crowd stays away from that stretch, the water is warm enough so the kids can swim and enough fish to keep me interested.
  3. Has anyone got a report on the river level/water clarity up at Cane Bluff since the rain? We have a group going in on Wed and never have had the opportunity to float that stretch this late in the year. It would be nice to mix some smallmouth fishing in on this trip.
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