I have a lot of signal drop out at higher speeds 40+ mph on my boat which requires shutting the unit down and restarting to reset it. Other than that it functions really well for the money.
I am on both sides of this issues. My wife and kids are strict bait fishermen at this point and I would like to see that stay the same for their sake plus we like to keep fish to eat. I don't think that the any bait slot restriction is viable in reality but sounds good in theory. Phil's point is well taken x number of fish out of 50 will survive so what is the difference other than a 14 + incher may survive there is still a mortality issue that would need to be contended with. Also the ability to transport through trophy zones is just asking for trouble.
On the other hand I love to fish in the trophy area and have no problem at all with restrictions.
Let me see if I can dig them out, most of the spots in question are really not much of a secret, I have a copier but no scanner so maybe I can mail them to someone who can post them? Possibly Phil still has them?
Do you think that they will be as accurate as the others generally are? Most of them that I own will help you get started but talking to a resort owner or other knowledgeable person is usually much more effective for me. I have some hand drawn maps that Phil gave out years ago in St. Louis that are probably better than any mass produced map could ever be.
After just fishing the trophy area last week and watching some of the stuff going on I would hazard to say that we are not ready for two because he cannot effectively enforce one at this point. This is not a shot at agents either just a known issue.
The other big issue I see is putting a trophy area in the middle of a lake is almost impossible because you could catch legal fish below Rockaway and want to bring them back to you resort in Branson, how do you get them there?