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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. That's what I heard as well. I saw a photo of a prototype short ZinkerZ. IT's either 2.5 or 2.75" . The SHroomZ heads do have large hooks, but I'm hearing that they are developing a Finesse jighead. Definitely PB&J and the Greens get the most use for me, but there are times where I will do better with clear/silver flake color. Not everytime, but often enough that I have one tied on if I feel like the fish are feeding up on shad. When the jerkbait bite is on in cold water is one of those times, but again I can't speak for Table Rock specifically.
  2. I can't give you any suggestions that are proven on Table Rock, as I'm embarrassed to admit I've never fished there. Over in KS, I've had a lot of success over the years with the clear-silver flake ZinkerZ. It will quickly turn opaque as you catch a few fish on it. Usually I pre-stretch my ZinkerZ anyway to make them more supple. I still think it looks more subtle than the pearl. Another color that I have high hopes for is the bluegill color, but as of now it's not offered in the ZinkerZ that I know of. It is made in the FattyZ, though, which can be shortened to use on the Ned rig. The bluegill color looks very smoke-like, with some flake mixed in. I'll be trying those this year. I am also planning a write-up soon about the bait I use on the Ned rig to catch that "kicker fish." I'll be sure to share here.
  3. Hey guys, I rarely post here, but check in every once in a awhile. I've known Ned for about 10 years, and got a chance to learn about the rig way back when it was "secret." Hopefully I can add a few tidbits that I've learned over the years. dtrs5kprs is absolutely correct on the hook size. To me, the length of the shank is critical with as short of a bait as we are using. I've tried a number of different jigheads, but overall my favorite is the Gopher with the #2 red Mustad ultrapoint. With Gopher's centrifugal mold, I just prefer the flattened shape of the head that I don't think can be duplicated with a conventional mold. For the hook, I could care less about the color, but it is plated and doesn't rust as easily as the bronze hook. Downside though, is it is a more brittle hook. I've broke a few, but usually I had gotten plenty of use out of it already and gone through a few snags. For a ready-made brushguard jig, I started using the Hayabusa Brush Easy head last year. They are expensive, but the hook size is right and high-quality. Brush guard worked well around all the timber at Truman. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Hayabusa_Brush_Easy_Head/descpage-BEHH.html
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