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Zach Bearden

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Zach Bearden

  1. So hows the fishing there at crane? We are looking at going to crane and was wondering where there arent that many people. I am looking forward to some wild trout. What is a nice trout here? Or is just catching a trout a nice trout? I miss the wild trout of Montana... So what kinda bugs are in the stream? Scuds, worms, mayflies? Caddis? Whats good? What size tippet? etc. Thanks Guys and Gals!
  2. heh, we went yesterday and picked up quite a few fish polish nymphing. Ducky on the other hand was throwing 5" TnA rainbows and picked up some REAL nice fish. Awesome fly though!
  3. will the part thats out of the "park" be crowded? Does it normally have some people in it on the last days?
  4. Just up there under the Dam.
  5. That fish over there on the right is down right Georgeous! Sounds like a great day! I had to work that day and was stuck choppin' down some trees. *sigh* Mom and some friends went though and all together caught about 150.
  6. hahaha I officially hate beetles!!! I made a 39%
  7. Trav, Honestly, I don't come up here very often but it really makes me mad that guys like you can come up here and will start dissing fly fishing.... I don't much care for spin fishing, never will again, too easy. Maybe if you were to be stuck on a creek with a small box of flies a floating line and 7x tippet, you would get why we respect Leonard so much. Not a guy with a major ego and a spinning rod.
  8. O_O What on earth did the first line say??? Anyway, Thanks Tim for the Adams you gave me. It caught me a rainbow on the adams and it was on 2lb tippet. I was all alone, he took me downstream aways and right in front of one of the rangers and two other guys. I landed him and he was about 5lbs and had that big 'Ol hook jaw and was in the spawning colors. That was Sunday Afternoon in the Fly Fish only section. Saturday we did okay but not too well, everyone we talked to said it was really slow and indeed it was. We had a good time, Tied some flies, hung out in the room, and of course Caught some nice fish!
  9. I think you did, but I wanted to make sure
  10. Alrighty! Steve, I gots a fishpond Blue River Pack and some Simms Waders, I don't know where we will start at. Probably where there is an open spot... Pm sending!...
  11. West Plains MO? Bill I would love to see three fly rods in each hand! That would be insane!
  12. This Saturday we are coming up there... I was wondering if anybody was anybody else is going to be there. We will also be there Sunday. See ya guys there!
  13. hehe... Nice topic start... Glad to see this one started. And don't be afraid to start a new topic. I am really glad to open this forum and see some new topics! Not many people on here are farmiliar with the river and I love the activity. I don't really bother with that kind of stuff but one thing that WILL change my fishing is whether the sun is out or not. Ex. Trout--- Seems that on sunny days they look up alot and if they see an indicator they drop to the bottom and wont eat. (sight fishing helps LOTS). So then I will tye on a dry fly and then my dropper if I have been successful with a nymph... Cloudy day--- doesn't much matter what you fish (such as dry, streamer, or nymph) theres probably going to be something willing to bite it. If you've got anymore questions just ask and someone here will answer them... If you want to go fishing sometime just shoot me a pm and well see what we can do.
  14. A person that would be able to give you more information on the rivers generation would be Bill Butts. I'm sure he will chime in on this one. This is what I know about generation. They generate when they need power. There is no telling when they will generate. They cant keep to the schedule very well but to me thats most all of the dams. It also depends on the lake levels. If the lake is up they will generate just so that they can get the lake levels down. Also check the lakes that pour into the lake that has the tailwater. If they are high then that means they will generate to drop their levels which makes ours go up then they generate which pushes water down into Robert S. Kerr. Rather confusing to me If I am wrong on anything here please let me know as I am still working on figuring it out as well. As for fishing, are you fly fishing or spin?
  15. Yea, Sorry about that. I do stop it at the back but I dont "drift" the rod tip.
  16. Nah, whats considered a "pro" is someone who guides. At least thats what they did in Montana.
  17. Alright, we have a Club outing Jan 19th and I was making sure it wasnt closed. Thanks Tim!
  18. Hey, when is C&R season over?
  19. Steve, PM Sent...
  20. Ol Al, I am 15 and we are on a budjet... I sure wish I could make that thing down there in Florida.
  21. Ok... I have decided that I want to go farther than the local conclaves. Are there any other competitions around here? (Texas, Ark., Mo, Kan, Colorado.)
  22. Ol Al, You say that you stop your rod tip then follow the line back? Why would you do this? My cast is a continuous and the only time it stops is when I end my cast.
  23. The fly? haha One of Griff's tyes. A little scud that nobody had ever seen before. I'm sorry but I can't post pics because I have Dial Up... Danimal and David-We have a club outing Jan. 19 at Roaring River. You should come and meet the club!
  24. Wheeee! lol... Well this year it turned out to be cash instead of trophies or plaques. The place they order them from got back ordered because they were from OKC (Ice Storm). This Years Winners. Most Fish: Chuck Harrison. 18 fish Biggest Fish: Zach Bearden. 15 inch First Fish: Kelly Gattenby. 9:02 a.m. This year was really tough. Kinda slow for everyone except for Chuck. Was a good time and had some good chili!
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