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Slewfoot dan

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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. Gave mineral springs a try yesterday. Lots of fish, great little holes. You definitely have to get out of the boat between holes.
  2. Thanks again for the advice everybody . I'll wind up having fun wherever I end up.
  3. Thanks, I'll look closer at the Gasconade. That's the kind of fishin I'm after. A nice lazy day, a few bluegill, maybe some warmouth. Paddling upstream and drifting back down.
  4. I appreciate the info. I won't be leaving my rig overnight, I'm just looking for a nice calm stretch to paddle around and catch a few bluegill for the frying pan. I saw plenty of fish right next to the boat launch at dogs bluff at the end of last summer. So maybe that stretch doesn't get as much traffic. I really hope your idea of abuse isn't anyone who keeps a few legally. I've seen a lot of this "meat keeper" stuff on here. Maybe there is a lot of abuse? Thanks for the comments everybody.
  5. darn. Don't blow sunshine at me now.
  6. Don't everybody sing out at once.
  7. Howdy . Where's a good place to put in and do some fishing from the old canoe? I'm taking my first real vacation in two years next week. I've got a place not far from Houston and the Big Piney is right down the road. Anybody know much about the state of the river in that area? I'd like to put in at Dogs Bluff but I want to be able to paddle for more than a hundred yards without scraping bottom. I'll also need to take out and put in at the same location because It's just me and I'm not looking to do an overnighter or a shuttle run. Any suggestions are welcome. Anywhere that's a reasonable drive from Houston would do. I'm an over the road trucker so I haven't been able to check the area out for a while. I'd rather do more fishin than scouting next week. Thanks in advance for the comments!
  8. Thanks, I'll give em a look see. Ever tried Red Tail pale ale? I used to live in northern CA an then NV. Some of the best microbrews on earth.
  9. I've spotted several good sized gar in center creek west of Joplin. Never went after em but I've spooked several in the shallows while chasing my favorite quarry, the bluegill.
  10. I'll keep the ears open man. Will scout craigs list too. I hope they end up feeding the catfish while using their ill gotten gains!
  11. Usually I bring pbj's a banana, apple and / or crackers & cheese. For overnighters you can add jerky, oatmeal and coffee. Ruger GP 100 and hydrashok idiot stoppers for that .01 percent that won't let you avoid em.
  12. Where do you find Sierra Nevada in a can??? Not that Keystone is bad but S N is way better.
  13. Howdy, the gallon a day rule has served me well for a good while. For two people overnight I'd say two frozen gallons and two regular. Like was already said above, you can use river water for dishes and such. Most microorganisms that you have to worry about won't survive being boiled and dried overnight on whatever dishes you wash. Just a thought, you can use a steel coffee pot like you find in camping stores to boil extra drinking / cooking water. If you filter the water thru a hankercheif before adding it to the pot to take care of the bigger debris and then boil the heck out of it you should be ok. Hope this helps, have a good time man.
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