I need some of that! Fished the same spots, with the same bait, with pole and line and didn't catch a durn thing! Gonna try again next weekend and hope I can find some! Good catch! I'd like to have a stringer of Channel Cat myself!
Anybody catching any catfish at any of the Springfield-Area lakes. Been skunked the last few times I've went to Stockton and feeling disenchanted. Looking to try some of the other fishing holes! Thanks folks, Happy fishing to all!
Just trying to get some ideas for crappie fishing from the bank. Hoping to take a bucket of minnows and some jigs out and catch a mess. I was thinking High Point but I wasn't really sure....I'm open to new things/opinions. Thanks-a-million folks! Happy fishing to all!
SLAYED 'EM Wednesday evening after work!!! Then the monsoon and cold front came! Have they rebounded? Water too high or muddy? Was hoping to hit it tomorrow if they were biting again, or hadn't quit. Best of luck to all!
Not able to get my boat out tomorrow but I thought I'd go up Little Sac and try my luck. How's the bite compared to last weekend? Anybody doing any good?
Anybody know how the bite is? I know it's 'constant' (I've fished by the power plant in 20 degrees) I'm just looking for a good stringer of eatin sized channel cat and I was thinking of going to the lake where I learned to fish. Maybe by the boat ramp or farther up the Dirty Old James...Just curious where they were at? Thanks!