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jayates's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I catch alot of nice whites with the lights on the rock but not had much luck with crappie. Put lights out on stockton last night and caught 70 crappie.brought home 23 keepers between my son and me.
  2. I to have been going threw what seems to be a endless colection of fishing tackle and wondering why I would ever think I would use some of this crap. I did find several old wiggle wart that are in new codition that I put on craigslist.
  3. Never seen 87ethanol free gas in the rock or stockton area.If anyone knows of a place to get it please post where its at!
  4. Where do you find 87 octane thats ethanol free ????
  5. Wonder how all this rain will effect the crappie fishing underlights this week ?
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