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Everything posted by Chriswk77

  1. I will be heading up there Tomorrow morning hoping to get to the river about 7am. going to see if the trout are biting then probably make my way down too greenleaf state park to catch some crappie. i will post tomorrow night and let everyone know how it went.
  2. How has the fishing been Below the dam?
  3. I had a lot of misses on diffrent color midges, brought about 10 to hand it was a pretty slow day from what I could tell, my girlfriend and her little brother were using power bait and even they were having a slow time when usually its one after another on that stuff...stil had fun though and it was a beautiful day which is what really matters.
  4. Its been a while since i posted this and I did have some luck that weekend that I spend on the river, thanks for the advise. I will be going again tomorrow morning to see what kind of damage I can do Has anyone else been up there in the last week or so? are they still hitting on the midges?
  5. I am new to the area and still pretty new to fly fishing, I am going to the Illinois river this weekend to check it out, any suggestions for a newbie?
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