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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Thanks. That makes sense. It didn't dawn on me that the entire 80 yards of braid could be rotating around the spool. I'll try it with mono backing.
  2. Hey guys, So I just bought a Lews super-duty reel and spooled up 80lb braid for A-rigging. First time out I threw it only a little using a single 3/8 jig head & 4 weightless dummies (no fish caught but with a few hang ups). Second trip out I changed to a 1/2 oz center jig head, again with 4 weightless dummies. This time, I catch a short fish on it but when setting the hook the drag slips. Get the fish in and try cranking down the drag all the way, but it still slips easily. What gives? I wonder if maybe I stripped the drag out previously when I tried to free the hang-ups? Anybody else have this problem?
  3. Danger Close: THX for the report. Regarding your stumbling Opti, you might check the condition of fuel hoses on the inside of the cowl. Mine was giving me intermittent trouble and had stumped the mechanics for more than a year. Turns out the long fuel hose on the motor was collapsing sometimes when I opened it up.
  4. Babler, you've convinced me to buy the Lews super duty. I guess $179 is not that much to pay for a quality reel. I bought a Lews reel last year and am very impressed with it. thanks. Now, do you think the warming spell next week bring the fish up for stickbaits?
  5. What about line and reel for this? I have heard 80 lb braid is used by most as lighter braid tend to bind up in the reel more. Obviously, one needs a "winch" for this setup - heavy gears and a stout drag. I recall one of the guides recommending the extra-heavy duty Lews reel last year, but I don't want to fork out $250-$300 for that. Are there any reels in the $100-125 range that might work? THANKS.
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