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Everything posted by netboy

  1. Yeah, the Spring river is great during the fall, winter and spring when the canoe crowds disappear. Most days you have the river to yourself.
  2. Spent the last 3 weeks in north Arkansas chasing trout. Weather was a bit chilly with lows in the 20's and highs in the 40's. Hot spot this trip was the Spring river. Also spent 3 afternoons on the Norfork since they were running the generators in the mornings. Best fly was a Y2K since the trout were in spawning mode. Also caught a few larger fish on a black woolly bugger. Lost 2 real pigs on this trip. First one was a Spring river rainbow that hit the woolly bugger in a deep shoal. Only had her on for a few seconds before the hook pulled, but got a good look at her and I would estimate around 24-25". Second one was a Norfork brown that took the Y2k. Set the hook and she took off downstream and then the 6x tippet broke just above the fly. I think she was hooked inside the mouth and the tippet frayed on her teeth. She looked to be in the mid 20's also. Here are a few pics. Wife with a Norfork rainbow Spring river rainbow Spring river brown Playing one on the Norfork Another Spring river rainbow ;
  3. I sure hope you find the piece of trash .
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