Spent the last 3 weeks in north Arkansas chasing trout. Weather was a bit chilly with lows in the 20's and highs in the 40's. Hot spot this trip was the Spring river. Also spent 3 afternoons on the Norfork since they were running the generators in the mornings.
Best fly was a Y2K since the trout were in spawning mode. Also caught a few larger fish on a black woolly bugger. Lost 2 real pigs on this trip. First one was a Spring river rainbow that hit the woolly bugger in a deep shoal. Only had her on for a few seconds before the hook pulled, but got a good look at her and I would estimate around 24-25". Second one was a Norfork brown that took the Y2k. Set the hook and she took off downstream and then the 6x tippet broke just above the fly. I think she was hooked inside the mouth and the tippet frayed on her teeth. She looked to be in the mid 20's also.
Here are a few pics.
Wife with a Norfork rainbow
Spring river rainbow
Spring river brown
Playing one on the Norfork
Another Spring river rainbow