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About MustBeZ

  • Birthday 12/14/1988

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Wichita KS
  • Interests
    Homebrewing, Bass Fishing, and Golf in no particular order

MustBeZ's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Wow, we threw most of what you named that night and couldn't pull anything in. Had a couple of short bites on jigs but that was about it. I am glad to see folks were catching the ones we couldnt though. Oh well we've been tearing up the small mouth the last couple of days on shakey heads w/ fish doctors so all is well. Good luck next week Jason!
  2. What were they biting on? We threw a bunch of different things and couldn't land a single fish.
  3. Hello all, New member here from Wichita KS. For 9 years straight I have traveled down to The Rock for a week in June with 20-30 family members for our vacation. We absolutely love this lake and it's basically turned into a week long fishing trip. Sure wish we could make it down more often and do the type of fishing you guys can, but a week a year holds me over. We will be visiting from June 7th to the 14th this year and plan on fishing the Mill Creek Night Tourney with my dad the day we get there. I've never fished a tournament before, let alone one at night, so I think we'd be pretty happy to just weigh one fish. I'll be keeping an eye on this forum not just for this tournament, but throughout the year...maybe if you guys are getting on the fish good enough I can talk the wife into an extra trip! Cheers from Kansas and good luck fishing!
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