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Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. Never been so I have no reference. The level is 787 cfs and I have read when its high its muddy, Has anyone seen it this week is it muddy, how high is it. Will there still be some rapids or will the water be too high. What section is Mary Decker rapids on. Any info appreciated.
  2. We would like to float Rush to the white river in Kayaks the last weekend of august. Today 8/10 the gauge at harriet is at 3.05. My question is ? We would put in at rush 8-9am saturday and camp sat night and would like to hit the white 4-5 pm sunday. Is this possible or is this to far to do only camping 1 night. Hoping the river stays around 3ft I know we would need some more rain, But how would river level affect me doing it in one night. I know alot of people take 3 days for this trip but can you do it with out killing yourself paddling.
  3. Im kinda in the same boat, I gotta boat and time to fish can catch plenty of bass but I need some help catching strippers crappie and white bass I ll take somebody who knows what to do.
  4. I fished wed for striper and put together a stringer of bass that would of put me in the top 10 for the bass cat tourney. So obviously I can't catch a striper but the bass are plentiful and coopertive.
  5. 47 degree water is the problem. 10 fish 28 pounds won it and only one other team finished weighing 10 fish. They need to move it back 3-4 weeks. Bass Cat Im talking about
  6. A Little disapointing
  7. 297 Boats last week and 500 this week for the bass cat, I think I'm gonna try my new green light and do some night fishing for crappie.
  8. I just heard throwing rogues at the bank after dark netted 63 stripers in the last 2 nights including a 25 pounder. Hope this weather doesn't shut them down.
  9. I run a 20 merc 4stroke it will run 22mph with just me in it. As I said I don't like the shallow water drive but I fixed that. Other than that it's a fine motor. I have never had a jet but from being on the river with them. They are terrible loud and noisey.
  10. Yep yotes if you look at the picture you see alley's of blood going in 4-5 directions. Textbook yote attack surrounded him and attack the backside I would bet 4-5 dogs did that.
  11. Yeah Clay I would of liked to of meet you. Good job getting third, that was tough fishing. Did you fish cotter or did you trailer up river. This was my first time fishing cotter and I was disappointed I could not catch a 2 lb er because down on my end of the river it's a pretty common occurance. But like I said it was a good time and next year I will be better prepared.
  12. Well fished the tourney today, With no help from the Corp we were at minimum flow all day. Which greatly reduced the area of the river I and most people could access. Since my boat is new I don't beat on it too bad. I did talk to one guy who did the float down from the state park and he said it went well. My plan was to put in at cotter and run up to wildcat shoals but I never made it that far. I finished 15th out of 60 but was only 3ozs out of the money ( top 10 ). The winning team posted 6.0 lbs and they won big fish 1.9 lbs. For at least the second year in a row no legal browns were weighed. Although I didn't win the Boat I did win some swag and a good time was had by all.
  13. Check in, who's fishing it.
  14. With my 20 merc trimmed up a little I can maintain forward motion and steerage in a little over ankle deep water. The question is are you going to bash your boat on the rocks, if you are get a jet. If your going to be a little more carefull a prop will be fine. I paid about 3200 for a 2013 Merc 20hp and it's a fine motor. A yamaha 20 was about 3500. I bought the Merc but if I had it to do over I would have bought the Yammer. My L48 20hp with me and light load will hit 22mph on the lake.
  15. I put a heavy zip tie around the d-ring on the front of the boat. Then attach chain to that.
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