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Bradsfishin's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Got a couple older deer shoulder mounts I would part with. Send me an email if your interested. meatsmail@yahoo.com
  2. I have been reading all you guys post for a long time. Thought I would sign up so I could give a report or comment on another. You all seem to be a great group of fisherman and share lots of info. I fish table rock the most and love night fishing. Look forward to meeting some of you that I havent already.
  3. I have been reading all you guys post for a long time. Thought I would sign up so I could give a report or comment on another. You all seem to be a great group of fisherman and share lots of info. I fish table rock the most and love night fishing. Look forward to meeting some of you that I havent already.
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