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Everything posted by brianwright

  1. I caught two this weekend that had pink glo bugs hanging from their mouths.
  2. Well it was a wonderful opening weekend for Roaring River all told. Lots of fish, some good sized, no crowds and great weather. I met some really great people too; thanks Ralph for giving me one of your homemade wonders, thanks Roger for giving me a set of Geezer Pleezers, they really helped. Thanks to Duane for all the shared knowledge. Thanks to everyone else; if I missed your name I'll be sure to get it when we meet again. Brian (and Helen)
  3. Well it was a wonderful opening weekend for Roaring River all told. Lots of fish, some good sized, no crowds and great weather. I met some really great people too; thanks Ralph for giving me one of your homemade wonders, thanks Roger for giving me a set of Geezer Pleezers, they really helped. Thanks to Duane for all the shared knowledge. Thanks to everyone else; if I missed your name I'll be sure to get it when we meet again. Brian (and Helen)
  4. Well Sunday was another great day; almost no wind and at times only one person per pool. Fish were indeed feeding at the surface all day; a few feet down starting around eleven. Wooly buggers good all day, blue winged olives and caddis also good all day, beaded pheasants and hackles worked in the afternoon. One fellow was working a white worm and another was using glo balls exclusively; both said they were doing great. Bite ended at three again. Today looks to be the last great weather day for awhile so it's time for me to go... Brian BTW on the drive out of the park yesterday we saw a rattlesnake crossing the road. Trying to warm up on the asphalt I guess but interesting that they are still moving about.
  5. I stayed in zone 1 with my fishing buddy (AKA "The Wife") as it was her first day with a fly rod. I perched her on a riffle and worked around three pools. Didn't make it yesterday but will be there today. The weather looks wonderful but there is a gusty breeze here on my place just east of Cassville (9am local). Hopefully it will die down; those leaves on Friday were a real pain! Brian
  6. Yesterday was a great day except for the wind. I caught twice as many watery leaves as trout but still plenty of fish to have a good time. The stocking rate was okay but seemed to be many more babies than grownups. Black and olive wooly buggers worked well in the morning with pheasant tails in the afternoon. The bite stopped completely when the sun went behind the hills around 3:00. The fish seemed to be well educated by the afternoon so will be tougher to fool today. I didn't get his name but there was this one guy that was working his way through the pools starting at the hatchery and moving downstream. His game was to catch one fish from each pool before moving on. I think I may play that game today! Today will be more crowded as the weather is great. Many fish will have moved downstream so go to zone 2 if you want to avoid the crowds. Best to all! Brian
  7. I had about the same experience at RR albeit fewer caught. (But I count each hook up as a catch; some just get released early...) Today will be a bit more crowded as the weather is great. Black and olive wooly buggers worked well in the morning with nymphs and wet flies in the afternoon. The bite stopped completely when the sun went behind the hills. The fish seemed to be well educated by the afternoon so will be tougher to fool today. Many fish will have moved downstream so go to zone 2 if you want to avoid the crowds. Best to all! Brian
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