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Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Sorry, really late on this one--but got back on the forum b/c planning another float on the 11-point this weekend. The Thanksgiving 2013 trip was wonderful---definitely a freeze-out! But we expected it. The Prongs were unreal and hands-down was the most beautiful 6+ miles of any Missouri river I have floated. We didn't scrape too much, but if we were a day later it would have been a lot different--the river was dropping quickly. Saw about 100 bald eagles (no joke---most were migrating), but we started calling them seagulls b/c there were so many of them. Critter count: 4 otters (3 in the river, one on the bank), beaver who slapped his tail at us right by a bluff, which made a majestic, albeit somewhat nerve-racking, boom, 30+ turkey, & my friend saw a coyote cross the river in the morning. We met only one other person on the river--he was trapping--had a beaver and otter trapped...I think he sells them up to Canada and mentioned he gets $120 for otter & $40 for beaver pelts. Pretty cool guy to talk to and learn from---seemed like one tuff son-of-a-gun! Jam up Bluff and Cave is UNREAL!!!!! Probably the most scenic place I have been to in Missouri (and I've been to Mina Sauk Falls, Elephant Rocks, Johnson shut-ins, Devils Ice box, etc). Point is: Holy $h*t!!! Alley Spring was well-worth jumping off the river and checking out---the river is extremely fast after Alley, it felt like we were in Eminence in about 30 minutes after Alley. I wish I could give you some info on the fishing, but we don't fish---I know, that is absurd---honestly just haven't been exposed to it nor taught by anyone (but starting to fish is definitely a goal of mine).
  2. Just talked to Brian. Thanks, their phone was busy and I was getting antsy! Thanks Strat278.
  3. Planning to get on the river this Thursday (July 3rd). I heard there has been a lot of rain in the area and the USGS gauges confirm. I want to go from Thomasville to Riverton--I have never done Thomasville to Cane Bluff. I believe more rain is in the forecast for Tuesday/Wed. Does anyone know if Thomasville to Cane will be float-able with loaded canoes/kayaks? Thanks!
  4. Thanks everyone for the feedback---this forum is wonderful! We got it all figured out---the jockey is not cheap but the Current River is worth it! The USGS gauges look pretty good and Friday looks like a perfect day. Thanks again--I hope there is some wildlife abound. We saw 4 otters, 1 beaver, about 100 bald eagles and turkey, and 2 coyotes when we were on the Jack's Fork over Thanksgiving--my expectations are high! I love Missouri!
  5. I've got 5 guys going from baptist camp to Pulltite. We start Friday around noon, end sunday about noon. Does anyone know of an affordable person to jockey 1 car from Baptist to Pulltite? Also, based on the rain, we should be good with loaded canoes/kayaks up at baptist, right? Thanks!
  6. Thank you everybody! The rain last Fri really helped!! We are going from the Prongs to Eminence...looks like it will be running about 100cfs on Wednesday for the Prongs, which sounds about right. We are all prepared to be cold (or hopefully prepared to stay warm). Any nice campsites we should stay at before the Hwy 17 bridge for Wednesday night? By the way, this forum is wonderful!!!
  7. We are doing 4 nites 4 days with fully loaded kayaks over Tgiving. Is there any way we can hit the upper jacks fork?!? Most posts I've read on here indicate no way with the current conditions. The cfs is about 45 (hopefully going up!) and the Gauge is 1.5 to 1.55 at 17bridge. Weather indicates we could get 2-4 inches of rain from now ( wednesday the 20th) until our trip starts in one week. Anyone know what the minimmum we would have to get to enjoy the upper stretches?? Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance.
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