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    Springfield Mo.
  • Interests
    Hunting and Fishing

Collegeboyfishin's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Thanks for the report Jim
  2. Heard of a bunch of people catching them down south, but not many north. still pretty cold water
  3. I think you have the right idea, you cant catch them sitting on the couch! Good Luck
  4. End of the week I hope some will begun to bite! the water looks very low in the picture, I wonder how much Saturday's rain helped?
  5. This weather is going to be helping out the fishing! Warm rain, and warm weather will hopefully get them going!
  6. Yes, this cold snap put a hurting on them. I had planned to go yesterday but the high of 28 degrees kept me from it. One week of good warm weather and it will be time to rock and roll I hope!
  7. Sounds good men! I'm going to make my way up there mid week sometime. I'll make sure and give a report.
  8. I know it is getting that time of the year for the White's and the Walleye to start biting. Any reports yet? Lets Keep the warm air rolling in!
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