Hey MFU and Old Plug, I have now received many emails from others following this discussion, supporting Bassing Bob website and suggesting that neither of you have any credibility at all. Interesting for sure. But in the meantime, thank you both for your comments and for keeping this forum going as it provides Bassing Bob with some additional exposure, our website hits have spiked, so thank you. As for some of your derogatory comments about Bassing Bob experts (wow, you guys have really poked at some great fisherman) who are also plugged into this and you two, they are appalled and are anxious to know who you are, as their intentions as are mine is simply to promote LOZ bass fishing and help fisherman, they do not give up their spots, specific baits, etc, they just want fisherman to have a better experience of catching fish on LOZ and get more fisherman to enjoy good fishing on the lake. As for you two, the question has been, how often have either of you been in the paycheck line at tournaments, once, twice, or regularly? If you would actually go on the website, you would see that we are actively working with MDC and DNR at LOZ to improve the fishery at the lake, this is not about enterprise, or whatever you small minded people think, this is truly meant to improve everything possible for the fishing. My members and experts expect that neither of you are very competent fisherman, who knows, maybe you are. So, come out from behind your computers like real men, I have provided you my phone number, my email address and free promo codes, but I have not heard from either of you. Lets have lunch and discuss further, contact me, get your promo code, it is free to you and let em know if your feel the content is of value for the broad range of fisherman (160,000 per year) that fish the lake of the Ozarks. The website is simply a passion of mine to bring valuable and time sensitive information for bass fisherman on the lake. Come out from behind your computers guys!!! Be real men and lets discuss in person.