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Everything posted by James08

  1. 2003 Stratos Bass Boat with 150 hp Yamaha V-Max (very reliable and very powerful). The boat is 19' long and when on the trailer it is about 23' long from prop to trailer tongue. Two new trolling batteries replaced last fall. Onboard battery charger, all you have to do is plug it in and it takes care of it self. Huge live well and built in ice chest. Hot foot and tons of storage for all your fishing gear. Two fish finders that are approx 2 years old. The carpet on the bunks was replaced this spring. I also have a new spare tire and I will give you my trailer lock. My family is growing is the only reason I'm selling. $11,500. OBO Here is a video of the motor running.
  2. I was just looking at this. I think i am going to register just for the fun of it.
  3. Here is a link to the OKlahoma Dept of Wildlife regulations. I plan on being on the river sunday too. See ya there! http://www.eregulations.com/oklahoma/fishing/statewide-daily-size-limits/
  4. Thanks Ollie... I will look them up.
  5. Thanks Everyone!
  6. Thanks! I planned on working that area soon. If only I could get the weather to cooperate.
  7. I think I may be embarrassing myself here but I need some help with Bass fishing on Grand Lake. In years past I typically fished on Neosho/Elk River area and had success with the Whites and I usually put out a few Jugs for cats, but I wanted to get into Bass fishing so I got in my boat and set out. I fished all summer with little to no success finding them. I am really thinking about hiring a guide service do you guys have any recommendations? Do I really need to hire a guide service or can you guys give me some advice. I usually put in at Elk River and go from there. Thanks in advance.
  8. Thanks for allowing me to participate in your forum! I have read many of the threads and it looks like there is a lot of good info on here. I have recently got back into fishing and feel like I am having to relearn everything. I recently purchased a bass boat so I am just itching to get out there.
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