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Joseph Sittler

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About Joseph Sittler

  • Birthday 09/09/1980

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Fort Wayne Indiana
  • Interests
    Everything to do with Bass Fishing !!!

Joseph Sittler's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I appreciate the information and concern. I know those guys are on here. But i have been a big believer that there is still a skill in actually finding the fish, and abilities in fisherman's presentation of the bait. But yes, you are all correct, i should be judicious and not show pictures, areas, and baits until after the big show. Thanks
  2. Don, there will be each day when i get off the water accompanied by photos. I really appreciate everyone's input. Like i said before, i probably have read almost every post that is on this forum all the way back. This has always been a forum full of knowledgeable individuals willing to share information. You guys have yourself a pretty awesome community !Thanks again everyone. Joe
  3. Balsabee, all i can say is wow ! Those look great ! Gives me something to go off of. Thank you sir !
  4. I am having custom painted wiggle warts done. I have the original phantom Green Craw, the brown Craw both kinds ( the ones are brown clear bill orange underbelly and the black top red ones) Any insight on custom colors that seem to produce? Does Missouri Craw work out there?
  5. I appreciate the info on the Owl Creek. That is the very one i am talking about. When planning for these tournaments I try to make longer runs just to get away from the crowds. I am looking for better fish though. When we fished this tournament last year the Arig was responsible for the biggest bags and all the people did was point hop from main lake point to main lake point(had to have gravel to smaller chunk rock transition) and slow rolled the Arig. Some really nice fish were caught. I went all the way to Owl and caught 4 2lbs fish on the jerkbait. So it makes sense about what you are saying about the smaller fish. Just curious, do any of you throw double willow, all chartreuse spinner-baits for those smallies? That one bait catches them all around here in clear water and i am thinking it will there as well. I know you guys have a healthy population of those beasts.
  6. Ned rig ? lol
  7. Mixer what type of areas are we using that spook in? Backs of coves? Secondary points with gravel? I saw where the top water bite could get good in the mornings...I was thinking the naked buzz bait with a split tail fluke or something as well.
  8. I will look into those areas Champ and Mixer that is some solid advice, thank you. I also have many pre Rapala wiggle warts and i believe that bite should be very solid. I have the phantom green, brown crawl, shad, watermelon, bone, several that blue top chrome side red bottom, fire tiger, chrome red stripe, white chartreuse side stripe (glows in the dark), baby bass. I want to have some custom painted, but i am not sure which ones to sacrifice. I do not want to get rid of a color that is productive out there. Any thoughts?
  9. I am fishing the FLW college event. What is the deal with the current in that lake? Is it a factor that needs to be considered? Is it substantial current when they do pull causing the fish to push into the bays like on KY Lake ?
  10. The deal is i am fishing a tournament that weekend and i am trying to do my homework. I fished the water last year about this time, however last year the we had a terribly cold winter and a cold spring as well. Water temps were like 47-49. I have read almost every spring post on here twice between this year and last year. I am really just trying to figure out now what is my best chance to catch the bigger fish and in what part of the lake should i be looking. From many of the posts it seems like there are quality fish all over the lake and if that is the case i am not going to make that long run all the way to owl creek this year. Any opinions are welcome. I just want to start a dialogue about general info of the lake so i can have a clear picture when i get down there on the April 9th to prefish.
  11. With that body of water being so deep and the spawn not even starting yet, shouldn't there still be bass moving up to the main, secondary points and still at the end of the bluff walls? I guess what I wondering is if i should be able to expect to be able to catch both spawning and pre-spawn fish? If there are pre-spawn fish to catch the Arig would still play well would it not?
  12. With the current temps the water is at now and the warming trend we are about to have over the next ten days will the Arig bite still be applicable on the any part of the lake?
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