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Everything posted by Tjmcdaniel

  1. Long time reader...first time commenter. The Cigar Boats are on my ENTIRE nervous system....not just a few nerves. I met two of them Friday afternoon between Rocky Branch and Starkey. They were side by side running at a tremendous rate of speed. Of course I was met with a wake that was bigger than a Volkswagen. Its complete crap. Saw them for the first time about a month ago when we were pulling out of PC after the Everett Tournament. It looks like a bunch of college aged kids with jacked up Denallis (80k+) pulling trailers longer than 2 zip codes. Obviously daddy must be treating them right. So I am curious.... What are the rules in regards to this? Obviously bass boats are capable of 70+mph as well so speeding isnt an issue. What can be done? Noise violations? Excessive wake? Reckless and careless driving? I want it to stop.
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