Hey everyone, my name is Joe, and I'm from the Central Arkansas area (Little Rock). I'm a big fan of the outdoors, and spend every chance I get either Kayaking, hiking, camping, mtn. biking, fishing, or snowboarding.
I take my kids with me when I'm able to, unless I need some quiet time, or if it's somewhere they can't tag along. I hope to get to know alot of you on the board, and hopefully do some fishing too.
I have grown to really enjoy trout fishing about as much or more than any other kind, although I'm not a fly fisherman. Love to watch it, tried it and it just didn't take.
I fish the Ouachitas frequently, and the lakes in the area, but I go to the Little Red, White, and Norfork every chance I get. I always have a great time there, and the scenery is incredible.
I prefer fishing out of my kayak over my Bass boat...and usually do better anyway.
Well I guess that about sums it up for now. It's good to be here.