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About JTarver295

  • Birthday 04/07/1975

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Little Rock Arkansas
  • Interests
    Kayaking, Snowboarding, Mtn. biking, hiking, camping, fishing.
    Conservation and Biology.

JTarver295's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I don't know if you're still in the market for a fishing kayak...but if you are: http://arkansascanoeclub.com/ It's a great resource to find good new or used kayaks of all kinds. I would go with a 12 footer or better..if you fish alot, you will grow out of a ten footer pretty quick. Get at least a 12. I've got a perception Pescador that I've outfitted to my specs. I really enjoy it, and it's easy enough for me to haul around and maneuver. Good luck! Joe
  2. I have been to the Little Red a bit. I will be up there next week matter of fact on Friday morning. Then it's off to the Norfork and White for the rest of the weekend, then a stop back by the Little Red sunday again. It's a yearly fishing trip I take that has become one of my favorite things to look forward to. The scenery on the Little Red is hard to beat too. Joe
  3. Looks like a plain belly watersnake to me. Nerodia erythrogaster. It is more often the slate/dark grey color with the chin being striped and a dingy or pale yellow. Looks alot like the Mississippi green though. Nerodia cyclopion. I think the mississippi is more endangered than the plain belly..so more street cred would be awarded for seeing it instead. Joe
  4. Hey everyone, my name is Joe, and I'm from the Central Arkansas area (Little Rock). I'm a big fan of the outdoors, and spend every chance I get either Kayaking, hiking, camping, mtn. biking, fishing, or snowboarding. I take my kids with me when I'm able to, unless I need some quiet time, or if it's somewhere they can't tag along. I hope to get to know alot of you on the board, and hopefully do some fishing too. I have grown to really enjoy trout fishing about as much or more than any other kind, although I'm not a fly fisherman. Love to watch it, tried it and it just didn't take. I fish the Ouachitas frequently, and the lakes in the area, but I go to the Little Red, White, and Norfork every chance I get. I always have a great time there, and the scenery is incredible. I prefer fishing out of my kayak over my Bass boat...and usually do better anyway. Well I guess that about sums it up for now. It's good to be here. Joe
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