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Fillet o' yum

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Fillet o' yum's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Where did you get a pic of 3013 ?!?!?!
  2. I'm talking about the crappie, or can you not find them either old man? I'll take you some night , show u how it's done .
  3. Say what? That's right. Tsk
  4. There are no fish in there, 35 ft, no fish, that's a wrong steer, bad fishin ' 101
  5. Objection!!!!!!
  6. Alls it means is u were better than the last guy, finesse.
  7. It's a myth
  8. Jiffy mix, tater salad , fresh cut fries....
  9. Jiffy mix, tater salad , fresh cut fries....
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