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Everything posted by RSPauls

  1. Dadakota .. obviously you've not read the thread and accuse me of being selfish and I believe I have the rights to a certain area. Not True. If there are a lot of boats in an area ... I move to a different area. IF there is a lot of lake traffic.... i move to the shallows. IF there is a ton of jugs ... I'll control my drift around them as mentioned above. From previous comments I've insulted juggers. And maybe I should have used different words. BUT ..... on the Warsaw end of LOZ there are maybe 15 miles that the width of the main channel is MAYBE 200 feet across. LOZ is filled with sand / mud bars that can stop a boat fast. On HOLIDAY WEEKENDS there are a ton of folks on the lake enjoying their water sports. Maybe 50% know the lake ... others don't. Even last weekend I witnessed 10 boats beach themselves. Many don't know what those jugs floating in the water are. Some above called these folks stupid but they are there just to have a good time. So you have maybe a 200 foot wide main channel with literally 20 boats flying back and forth. A number of times I saw 4 abreast with some boaters/tubers being pushed into the jugs because the jugs were so far into the main channel. This guy put out 10 Jugs. So many of you say he was there first the screw the boaters. Most of you have stood tall for this jugger dude but ... on a busy weekend ..... with heavy traffic .... novice boaters ... wouldn't you think the jugger dude would use a little common sense? I saw him tend his lines once. Traffic was extremely busy and looked like he almost was throw from his boat. But dammit he was there first and be darn if he was going to move those lines! So stand your ground ... I don't care .... this guy is extremely inconsiderate. He could have waited till next weekend (non holiday weekend) to locate the jugs in those areas.
  2. Yup .. def a newbie ... But seems I have more common sense than many here! But of course that's my opinion. Unlike some here .. Other than my comment about not caring much for Jug lines and stating I think they are lazy, (the 4 on my boat this weekend did whom are long time fishermen) I've not personally attacked other members as many have done here. I had a simple question ... whether you think it was a dumb one or not, which was answered in the first page. So all those who holier than thou that think their crap don't stink ... Y'all can shove it up yer jug lines.
  3. Man Stuart you just don't get it. I had my answer on the 1st page. Now this is purely entertaining. I WILL keep "A" distance from the jugs ... but I have the right to fish that area too. If I tangle I will do my best not to damage his rig. But my line comes 1st. I "KNOW" its not "MY" spot and its for all to enjoy.... even the tubers. This jugger place at least 10 jugs where I've NEVER seen them before. Thats fine ... have at it. But he place quite a few in the MAIN channel on a HOLIDAY WEEKEND. That is DANGEROUS and STUPID. If it weren't for that I would of just said "what an A**hole and been on my way and never posted here. I have a friend who jugs. He himself admits hes to lazy ... sorry ... boring to fish for cats. I do call him lazy and we have a beer. He agrees. Personally ... if you ever have the thrill to pull in a 50+ pounder on 12 pound test and land it in the boat ... well ... you can't really beat that.
  4. lol Fishinwrench that may be so ... but not from the ones I've seen so I'm not overly afraid.! .... FYI ... if you knew LOZ at all you would know that the west end of LOZ is more river like than lake so there are NO wide areas to do water sports at. So all I'm asking for is just a "Little" commons sense. Especially on a holiday weekend.
  5. Ummm .... Excuse me ..... lol....! I posted a simple question. I wanted opinions of this forum. I did state my dislike for jug lines but i am allowed that opinion. YOU come at me and accuse me of whining and "needing to get over myself. I'll bet if YOU were to have seen the amount of jugs placed in this narrow high traffic area where I witnessed numerous young tubers forced over these jugs due to all the water traffic you too would think it was a little excessive. So next weekend when I hit this area I will drift as I usually do. I will keep my distance from them as many responders have advised. BUT ... if I catch a fish and it tangles into his jugs .... the fish comes first because I release 90% of my fish.
  6. Umm .....Stuart .... makes me laugh too! Accuse me of whining then a sentence later you do your share of whinning. LOZ where I'm located is more river like than lake, narrow and limited space for fishing and watersports due to sandbars. I can easily troll around the jugs but I never know how long the lines are so if I tangle I'll decide what to do at that time. I was more concerned with all the lake traffic (tubers) on the lake. It's narrow enough as it is and this dude decides to put all these jugs out this weekend. Inconsiderate if you ask me. If you jug use yer brain and don't set them on busy weekends. And I still think jugging is lazy. I'll put money that there's a large jugging population that pushes the "legal" to "illegal" .... as you stated you do!
  7. Anchored. Thanks for the response but I don't see a reason to stay clear. Just cause someones lined a 1/2 mile with jug lines doesn't mean its "HIS" territory. One dude has ( not sure what its called), but he has his line anchored from one side ALL the way over to the other side. Must be some heavy line cause My anchor snagged it (I didn't know it ran across the lake like that). I had to cut my anchor cause I couldn't bring it up. I stay away from that now that I know its there. I'll piss a lot of people off here but I think jug lines are a lazy way to fish and deplete the population faster than necessary. I'm ALWAYS snagging on OLD JUG LINES carelessly left behind. Pisses me off. I know many will agree,
  8. My wife and I have drifted the same 1/2 mile section of LOZ for the past 4 years. I've never seen a jug line there. This weekend (labor day) someone decided to put 15 jug lines in this area. This is the NARROW area of the lake near Warsaw an with all the tubers I thought this was extremely inconsiderate. But my question is ... if we were to drift this section as we usually do and happen to hook his jug line .... do i cut his line or mine?
  9. Thanks ... I did notice some pockets of deep fish on the finder sitting in a hole at 35 feet. Where we are at I don't think we get much deeper than 40 feet. Problem is ... current was to strong to drift and I have issues anchoring in my pontoon in deep water.
  10. Thanks ... we usually find a ledge that drops from 8 feet to 20 feet. So basically we are doing it right just need patience.
  11. Thanks .... I guess it boils down to patience. We've pretty much done what you suggested so we'll give her another whirl this weekend.
  12. Last couple weekends Catfish have eluded my wife and I. We've fished and drifted both shallow and deep from 10am to 8pm. So with the weather as it is at LOZ Warsaw area, I'm open for some tips for the upcoming weekends? Due to the age of my boat and motor, we stay mostly around MM81 - 84 where we've hooked some real nice Cats in the past. So again ... if ya gots any ideas or tricks I'd love to hear them. Thanks
  13. Great thanks .
  14. Thanks for the reply. So .... patience is the Key?
  15. Last year I caught two 15 pound catfish. 1 mid summer at about 20' durning the day and another October ish in mud flats approx 5' after 3 good days of warming. These 2 larger fish were quite exciting to pull into the boat so I tried to educate myself this winter and read a lot on where .. when .. bait to catch these fish. This year I'm not even getting a nibble. I'm , fishing with shad, worms and stink type bait. Fishing holes in shallows when they come up to feed. Fishing night shallower, day deep, evening shallow again. Fishing points, structure, holes, outside bends, Rock walls and in shade and sunlight .... everywhere they are said to be. So does anyone have any ideas? Like the title states, we are MM83 (more river than lake) where our choice of fishing is a lot of 3-5' mud flat coves that slowly angle to 7' - 15' close to main channel and then drop to 30 ish feet in the main channel. I appreciate any input. If it matters .. we mostly fish out of a pontoon but also take a 14' tinny out when we fish the shallow coves. Tinnys a little scary on the main water. Thanks
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