Ted, what part of Alaska are you coming to? South central(north and south of anchorage) Bristol bay, Southeast, or Kodiak
Flies list should go like this Rainbows want eggs so glo bugs or Troutbeads will work. maby acouple nymphs like a prince or so and maby a couple flesh flies.
For sockey buy some legal hooks and put some glo bug yarn on them. If you are fishing the kenai pen. a legal hook will be 3/8 of a inch gap so a size 4
Kings will take flies with orange in them but some pink or black work to. Try Fat Fredies, egg sucking leeches and fushia bunnys
Bring floro for rainbows if you are fishing clear water streams in like 2x because sockey will get in your way and you will snag them. you dont want to keep loosing your gear it gets annoying.
For salmon I use some maxim for leaders. kings you will need 6ft peice of 30lb and for sockey 3ft 30lb tied to 3ft 20 or 15lb