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Mac's Orphan

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Everything posted by Mac's Orphan

  1. No float tubes. We use Creek Company pontoons - both boats are green and identical to my avatar. We parked at the access the Friday we fished Van Tat. (11-7-14) Floated the river on Wednesday, 11-5-14, but If you saw two really ugly guys - it was probably us!!
  2. Yeah - unlike a lot of folks, I like seeing them as well. Keeping an eye on things - sad, but needed. I've never had anything but a good experience from any state or federal officer. But... I've always got the right paperwork so the encounter is much more enjoyable!!!!
  3. My son and I were two of the 8 anglers you saw at Tan Vat. We waded up and down from the access for a good ways but the fishing for us was slow. I think we were using flies that are too large for that river. It was our first trip to the Current and we were using stuff in the 8 to 12 range. We're streamer fishermen and have had good success with those on the Eleven Point and Caney Fork in TN. We caught some fish but it was very frustrating. As I said, I think the flies we were using were just too large. But - we did see a lot of deer, one mink and I got checked by two Conservation Police Officers at Parker's!! LOL! Nice guys and all was good.
  4. Hey guys... New forum member here. I used to fish at McClellan's back in the day. My brother talked me into buying a fly rod and took me down there in 1984. I came home, sold all my bass fishing gear and have been a trout bum ever since. LOL! Met some fine folks there. Chuck Davidson was still around, along with Art Hempstead, John Miller and Art Lohman. John Gulley was just getting his guiding business going and was living in a little cabin just N or Mac's trout dock close to the shoals. He's a great fisherman and tyer. Mac and his wife were running the business (along with his precious cows!! LOL). When John and Ruby closed the gates, I was depressed for a good month. Went to several places in TN but missed the fishing at Mac's. There's nothing I ever found that could compare with that place when the generators were off. Any way, came to MO and have been fishing the Eleven Point and just got back from the Current. I really like the Current River. It's just gorgeous and such a pristine place. Looking forward to learing more about the Current River. Fishing there has been a humbling experience for me. Seems like I'm trying to use flys that are way to large for that water. On a side note, my son and I do not harvest any trout and are firm believers in barbless hooks. Sooooo much easier to release a fish. Will be asking a lot of questions so your patience would be appreciated!! Mike
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