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Everything posted by rFisherk

  1. Sorry: I said just "above" the Hwy E bridge, but I meant to say just below. Actually, the good water goes for a mile or more below the bridge.
  2. Nothing ruins a good place like a bunch of people!
  3. My favorite winter baits are an unweighted Fluke, a Mini-King spinnerbait (allowed to drop and dragged slowly along the bottom), a Strike King suspended jerkbait and my own Flair Hair Jig. The real key to me, however, for fishing during the winter (or most any time after gigging starts), is to stay as far away from the target area as possible and keep a low profile. Usually, the water is clearer and the smallmouth are more skittish during gigging season and the winter. Not all bass are in deep holes during the winter, and even those that hold deep will move up in the water column when feeding, which I believe still happens twice a day.
  4. From an MDC press release this morning: "The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) reports that two new cases of chronic wasting disease (CWD) have recently been found in north-central Missouri. One was found in an adult buck harvested by a hunter in Macon County and the other in an adult doe harvested by a hunter in Adair County. These two new cases bring the total of Missouri free-ranging deer that have tested positive for CWD to five for this hunting season and 15 overall. The total cases of CWD in Missouri captive and free-ranging deer now stands at 26. CWD was first discovered in Missouri in 2010 at a private hunting preserve in Linn County. All cases of CWD in Missouri have been limited to Macon, Linn, and Adair counties, which are part of MDC’s six-county CWD Containment Zone. Additional counties included in the zone are Chariton, Randolph, and Sullivan." One of the bills that Munzlinger proposes (SB178) would reclassify captive deer as livestock. If you are unfamiliar with the ramifications of such a move, check it out at confedmo.org
  5. Fisher, by the way, is my middle name.
  6. Thank you.
  7. Has anyone fished Clearwater Lake recently, and if so, what's up?
  8. I've fished the shut-ins from Millstream to Silver Mines quite a few times. Floated from Silver Mines to Hwy E once. I've had some good times, but very few. It's just not ideal smallmouth water, and I don't think the population is good. I've done much better just above Hwy E bridge, but this is pool water. You need a canoe, float tube or kayak to fish it properly. Big smallmouth hold around the large, mid-stream boulders with current.
  9. Yes, MFU, that is my presumption. What do you presume is "taking place in the shadows?"
  10. Right, Quillback. The whole purpose is to put financial stress upon the Department any way they can. It is a vendetta, being fought by lawyers with the ability to make laws. Not sure whether it is a group of people who really just hate the MDC or the result of some special interest pressure, but such a concerted attack needs to be taken seriously.
  11. There is a group of legislatures with a serious vendetta against MDC, and they wish to cripple it at any cost. It bothers them greatly that they have no political control over the MDC and its funding. Since the sales tax for conservation was passed in 1976, various law makers have tried periodically to get control of MDC funding and/or to be able to dictate management of the state's fish and wildlife. Never has there been such a concerted and comprehensive effort to destroy the Department as we know it. They're attacking from every angle. Here's a listing of all the bills currently under consideration that would damage the way MDC functions. SJR1 (Munzlinger), which attacks the composition of the Conservation Commission and would politicize it from the inside. B178 (Munzlinger), which is another attempt to reclassify captive deer as livestock. HJR 8 (Redmon), proposes a constitutional provision repealing the sales and use tax for conservation. HJR 27 (Spencer), proposes a constitutional amendment reducing the sales tax by half. HJR 28 (Spencer, proposes a constitutional amendment requiring the conservation sales tax to be approved by voters ever 10 years. HB 315 (Brown), requires the DOC to conduct testing of deceased deer found along state highways for chronic wasting disease. HB 316 (Brown), requires Conservation Commission members to register as lobbyists and follow lobbyist rules and regulations. HB 317 (Brown), requires the DOC to reimburse automobile owners of the $500 for damages inflicted upon vehicles by deer.
  12. Excellent catch.
  13. Those mentioned, and other bills pending, constitute the most serious threats to conservation I've seen in my lifetime, and I'm 66. The reasons our government has become so corrupt and mindless of constituent's wishes, is that nearly all their reelection funding comes from special interests and the general populace has become apathetic to the political process. They don't think we count much any more. But our vote and our voice does matter, if we cast it and voice it. The only thing that can combat special interest money (which buys them ads for reelection) is to know that the voters are paying attention and will stand up for what they value. To contact any of your senators or representatives, go to http://www.senate.mo.gov/LegisLookup/ The best watchdog for our conservations interests is the Conservation Federation of Missouri. To learn the true facts of these bills and what you can do, visit http://confedmo.org/
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