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Everything posted by deltakid

  1. No it was caught by a bass boat right under the bridge.
  2. deltakid

    Bella Vista

    The water is quite clear at loch but it is high.
  3. Went out last nite starting about 7 fished under the 12 bridge tons of bait ..and i mean tons!!!!!! Sadly no whites water was between 69 and 71. Saw one boat close to us bring in a striper but that was it,left there about 11:30 went back to PC fished about 50 yards off the last boat Shen near the ramp has a huge catfish hit a minnow but he decided he wasnt interested in being dinner. Quit about 1:30 with nothing to show,I guess thats why its called fishing not catching if you see a Boston Whaler out and about say hi!!
  4. So after reading everything I went with the helix 5 it seemed to be the best value,I'm going to install it in the morning provided it's not too dang cold.Thanks so much for all the input it was a great help!!!
  5. Wow thanks J-Doc that's a great thread..looks like I'm off to Cabellas $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6. So I'm looking at getting a new fish finder for my boat I'm wondering what you folks think works best. I've always had fish/chart plotters on my boat but this is a 14 ft alumacraft so I don't reall need charting so what do you guys think?and is side scanning something that is worth the money? I haven't been on the lake yet this year and I need all the help I can get btw I did fish the spring river a couple days ago but the whites hadn't moved up yet so I'm going to try to get to the lake and give that a shot..thanks for all the great info that's been posted lately makes me really want to get on the lake
  7. Ok maybe I overreacted a bit...ok maybe a lot......but if you have fished that darn lake as much as I have and had nothing to show but the awfull smell of skunk you might understand...I'm not going to give up on the forums in fact I've just bought another boat one a bit smaller to get up into the creeks a bit better. So to all of you who might think I was ranting yeah I was but maybe it wasn't so much at you'all but at myself for not being able to snag any fish...thanks for all the good input and I promise when I do find any fish I will post pics and let you know what I did....lol if it ever happens.
  8. Well now that I've been nicely told off I will shut up and never speak my mind again and in response to why I haven't shared anything here on all the fish I've caught well I haven't caught any so there make fun of that.If I sound a bit bitter maybe I am I posted what I felt and did it in a nice way I didn't need to be jumped on. So don't worry I won't bother to post again.
  9. Hi folks I'm a newbi to the Arkansas lakes I've lived in California my whole life and ive retired here but I have to say the idea of not sharing where fish are biting seems silly to me and really it isn't what real sportsman do . If I'm on fish I have no problem letting other anglers know. The whole idea of 'IM NOT TELLING ANYONE" just makes it hard for all of us who don't really know how to fish your lakes and rivers. If you guys really think your saving your best hole your wrong all you are doing is making guys like me less willing to share when we get on the fish....heck I am always willing to share when I'm on fish because that's what builds friendships this is a great sport don't try to keep it to yourself.
  10. Well Ive never used a cast net so I am pretty sure the bait population is quite safe I plan on going in at PC thanks for the replys!!
  11. hello folks Im a new person to the forums having moved here from California where I lived on the California delta where striped bass were my main target.Im going to go try beaver tomorrow but i have no idea where to get bait like ive seen on this post.if anyone has any tip I would be forever thankfull!!! if you see A 21 foot Boston Whaler on the lake with green canvas thats me drop by and say hi!!! Jim
  12. Well if it was me i wouldnt think of any other moter than the new OMC/EVINRUDE bettter fuel burn less maintanance and lighter than the 4 stroke, plus they even have better emissions than the 4 strokes. I spent 25 plus years in the marine demolition trade and the later omc/brp engines were the best out there as far as reliability and cost per hour to operate. good luck!!!
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