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  1. I've never heard of the Mulberry. I'll have to check that out. Thanks for responding
  2. I think next year I will try Jacks Fork but, with this crew of 12 I don't think "upping the challenge" too much is the best idea! Thanks for the recommendation
  3. Thanks for replying Jibro. I've thought about the low water bridge crossing and I really don't think it'll be too bad for us. I appreciate your input
  4. Thanks for replying with your opinion. When you say it was "a lot of work," what does that entail? A lot of maneuvering around rocks and such? I've got a group of 12 going so we really don't plan to fish much but I don't want them complaining the whole time about "a lot of work" Thanks again
  5. Howdy All, I've been a lurker on this forum for quite awhile but now I'd like to reach out and get some of your opinions. My first canoe trip on the Current was from Akers Ferry to Big Spring Second canoe trip was from Cedar Grove to Two Rivers We really enjoyed Cedar to Two Rivers but I'm wondering if going further up river would make things more exciting? Missouri Conservationist says the gradient is slightly steeper so I'm wondering if this translates into "more fun?" We will be on the river the last weekend of March so I assume there will be enough water that we're not walking at all - is this a good assumption? As far as the scenery and gravel bar availability goes - is launching at Baptist worth it? Basically, in a nutshell - We're looking to put in at Baptist but don't know what to expect as we head down river. What do you think? Thanks for your time and I look forward to contributing any way I can! Michael
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