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cleo 1

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cleo 1's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. there is a big guest only tourny on 3/11 starting at trout lodge down from kids camp , i have seen it to have over 65 teams in the past , i do think they have a 50 team limit now.
  2. i was wondering if anyone new a better way to catch a couple dozen sculpin . a local told me to use a hook and worm under a light next to large rocks , i saw alot but could not cath a one . i learned that you can take a samall net and scoop them up , but was scared to do that , did not no if it was legal. any info will help, thanks
  3. i will give you 250$ for the set up , i no this is a bad deal for you though.
  4. Phil keep up the awesome work , you keep me on fish every time i get the chance to hit tanny ,Thanks camera is cool.
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