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  • Gender
  • Location
    Fayetteville, AR
  • Interests
    Light Rec Fly & Bass Fisher, Bow Hunter, Bourbon & Craft Beer enthusiast.

Spencer's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Threw clousers on Richland from 4-7 today. From the bluff all the way up passed the bridge as far as I could wade, and not a single bite. I did see a group of about 7 goslings and one angry gander near the mouth of mill branch - my presence was definitely not appreciated. I think you are right JohnF52, the whites have moved back to the lake.
  2. Isn't the mouth of that little creek - Mill Branch ( I think) - downstream of the bridge? Or is there another little creek there south of the bridge?
  3. Does the lake backing up into the watershed regions affect much, in terms of one's white bass pursuit? I'm sure the temperature and turbidity in the watersheds changes somewhat, but does the lake rise play a bigger role than that?
  4. Ok awesome - I see my people here mention floating, so I didn't know if anyone had been walking it. Ha, I checked the gauge and discharge first thing this morning hoping it wouldn't be so bad, but boy was I wrong! I was checking about 4 different weather station readings yesterday on wunderground for different levels of precip; seemed like east on 45 wasn't getting much compared to West Fayetteville, but the river is telling a different story!
  5. Anybody know how wadeable Richland and Twin are? My buddy was out last weekend and said it was still a bit too high in most places to make many moves. USGS numbers for Richland look like they are finally trending back towards fair conditions - gauge and discharge are the lowest they've been in a month, and near par for the later part of the run last year (if i remember correctly). I know there is rain coming in, so hopefully there's not a ton of lag in the discharge uptick. Also, new here - so hello!
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