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Blog Entries posted by eacoffman

  1. eacoffman
    My wife dropped me off at #2 outlet around 2:00 pm, only 6-8 cars on the lot, I was very surprised. The temperature was mid 50's and very windy, no water running. I tied on a #16 light gray bead headed scud under an indicator with 6x tippett and headed to the top of the rebar hole. Caught a 13" rainbow on the 3rd cast and then nothing after that. The wind picked up even more so I decided to walk down to big hole and try stripping wollie buggers and get the wind more to my back.

    When I got to big hole I realized I had left my fly box on top of the split rail fence by outlet #2. Walked all the way back to the parking lot and was pleased to see my fly box just where I left it. I am sure several people could have walked off with it, thanks to all those who didn't.

    I went back to big hole and stripped a #10 brown wollie bugger and caught one small rainbow and missed a couple of hits. The wind began to die down so I went back to the top of the rebar hole and used the scud I had on earlier. I caught 3 small ranibows and missed a couple of other strikes.

    My wife was going to pick me up at 5:00 so I headed toward the lot to see if fish were midging near the bank below outlet #2, no midging fish when I arrived and my wife was waiting so it was off to dinner.

    I don't know how others fared because there were so few anglers that we were spread out all along the water, it was very nice. I noticed one of the ponds at the hatchery had been drained and there was some equipment nearby, what are they doing?

    It was a short trip but a great time as always on Taneycomo and staying at Lilley's.
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