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RobPrice527's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I recently moved from the Fort Leonard Wood area to Columbia this year and haven't fished the area much. Was up at finger lakes today, but the weather wasn't really cooperating so I didn't have any luck. Does anyone have any suggestions for fishing spots in the area? I fish everything from panfish, to spoonbill so I have a pretty good knowledge on techniques, just not the area.
  2. New to this site and also Columbia, MO. If anyone has any tips or areas they are willing to share please contact me. With bass hitting top waters soon, I'd really like to get a feel for the area.

  3. New to this site and also Columbia, MO. If anyone has any tips or areas they are willing to share please contact me. With bass hitting top waters soon, I'd really like to get a feel for the area.

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