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Newton County Nube

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Everything posted by Newton County Nube

  1. Hi, Carp, I moved from Lake Hamilton in Hot Springs. Snakes here too, but, water not transparent enough to see them like the Buffalo! Been reading suggested literature. Feeling better. And, very happy to be in one of most beautiful places in Ozarks!
  2. Good grief! I was thinking of Copperheads not being water snakes--not Cottonmouths. Been reading a lot about them. Feel a little better, but, still freaked about the possibility of getting in water where I saw that many snakes congregated. Water up this week and flowing hard on the Little Buffalo. No sign of a snake.
  3. I thought cottonmouth's were not really water snakes. This huge one really seemed to love the water. He/she was stretched out on a rock on the water and with the water so clear, could see about two feet still hanging off water. When the snakes started dispersing because they heard our voices, he slipped into and remained in the water, just submerged with its head up. Looked just like anupright stick. The others all scurried away to hide in rocks. I never saw such a long snake. I saw several skinny banded ones and they just floated away on top of the water.. Would a dog keep these scared off. Say my lab? I had a golden retriever years back that would jump in the water and catch every snake he saw. Kill it and bring to me as a present! Had to watch him everytime he came back into the house to make sure he didn't have his "present" with him! I want to be able to get into this river!
  4. I really appreciate these informative and positive comments. Embarrassed now with my hysterical posting. Been on many sites and getting educated as recommended. Thanks guys.
  5. Thanks, Ham. Really appreciate your information. I LOVE Newton County, Arkansas and Jasper in particular. I chose this place as been coming here for 30 years and has always been in my mind's view as one of the most beautiful places in the country! Pristine. Beautiful. Just breath taking. Nicest people--anywhere. I was just startled yesterday. Didn't mean this as a slam against this incredible place. I have lived on a developed lake (Hot Springs) and not been in a natural setting like this before. Before you tell me to go back to the lake (LOL), I can tell you right now this girl is not moving from Jasper, Arkansas! My companions (four of which live in the area) also saw the snakes and said they were harmless water snakes and found my reaction amusing. So..........guess, from my research now.........and some comments...........I was a voyeur......actually watching snake mating rituals................ I'll get past it, I assure you. My friends are wiped away by this place!!! Now tell me how to keep them away..........LOL.
  6. The largest snake was on a large flat rock in the river. After it left the rock, It remained in the water then in a vertical position looking like a stick with only its head slightly above water to breathe and would occasionally go into the rocks under the water to hide. I did not disturb it as I was above. Just Googled Rat Snakes and seems they are not water snakes. But, that snake and its three smaller companions, caught my attention and drew my eyes down into the very clear water below........and thats when I saw so many snakes under water, then noted many swimming across the top, and many going under rock cliffs when my companions and I all gathered to watch. Probably our conversation got them stirring ............but, it was just amazing how many there were in that one spot. This spot on the river is between two small rapids and the water pools there deeper..........with one area going into an area that is fairly still. That area will probably be dry in summer. I just want to be able to get into the water................
  7. I looked out off my deck on the Little Buffalo this afternoon and was startled to see SWARMS of snakes in the water, on rocks, EVERYWHERE! Just surreal. Unbelievable. From the height of the deck and the clarity of the water there, it was full view of some of the largest snakes I have ever seen and the number was just amazing. I'm new to the area. Is this typical? Also, not sure what kind of snakes they were. One was the largest snake I had ever seen other than a Python. It was sunning on a rock and so huge and fat and so long..............three other snakes were lying with it. This is what got my attention...........and then when my eyes drifted down into the water all around..........it was stunning. I'd hate to jump into that! People from Newton County please respond! Any suggestions how i can get them to move away? Yes, I realize it is THEIR home.........but, still..............
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