I ran into some guys at the Bassmaster Classic Expo this year in Greenville, SC with a new fishing app called Fatsack Outdoors. I've been using it since February and man it's awesome. It's real easy to use and keeps track of everything that you need to know about your catches. All you do is hit a button when you catch a fish and enter what bait and stuff you were using and then it automatically inputs the water and weather conditions, the date and the time and will analyze it for you. The more fish you catch and information you input the more data you will have to look at. At that point you'll be able to see what bait, time of day, water depth, etc. are working best for you. Each time you catch a fish there is a place for notes that you can put in what cover you were fishing (docks, brush, etc.). You can even scan the barcode of new lures or hooks and it keeps track for you and will alert you when are running low. It's a free app as of now so I'd jump on it before it becomes one you have to pay for. Highly recommended.