crappie jerk i am from pleasant hope also! we have had good luck the last 3 months doing the same thing every week....brush piles 15 to 20 fow. some days they are in it, some days over it, some to the side of the brush. minnows and jigs. i always start with a jig, my brother with a minnow. if he starts to catch more than me i'll finally switch over to keep up, but often the jigs work well. one thing that seems odd, seems as if i miss far more fish with a jig than minnows. don't miss many on the minnow but miss more than i hook with a jig. can't figure it out.
bolivar landing area is one of the only areas we haven't had much luck in. from bolivar landing all the way to lightfoot has not been great what little we fished it. from lightfoot all the way around the lake to the free pittsburg access has been good for numbers, less so for size. best bite has been between 730am and 1030 am and again in the evening, this is when we often catch 10+ an hour. the midday has been slower, 2-5 per hour on average. not every pile is good, but you can't give up on one too soon. several times we haven't got a bite the first 5-10 minutes then they turn on. i guess they get used to us being there. next thing you know, you've caught 10 fish on this pile in a few minutes.
standing timber hasn't been bad either, but they are more scattered. seems the fish are in one of two modes. 1) agressive and will hit within the first couple seconds or even on the fall or 2) want to look at it FOREVER. Fish a stump forever and when you think there isn't a fish there, fish a little more. Then just as you are about to move to the next WHAM!