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Bleeding Shiner

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  1. Nice. Hopefully theyre biting on sunday...
  2. Yeah im new to all of this, figured the only way to get better is to get out there and lose so lures. So thats what ive been doing lol any particular color jig or worm they are biting this time of year? Or just any darker color?
  3. Ended up being a little late yesterday. Got to the garage and the trailer had a flat. Took us abt an hour to get up and running but we still made it. I didnt have much luck but my old man caught a few keepers. Nothing major tho. Fished up towards tan tar a. Seems like we only had any bites on the bottom.
  4. Nice. Im about to head up that way in the morning, hoping to be on the lake before sunrise. Any suggestions on where they are biting this time of year?The old man and i usually fish on the lower end near army rec up past pb2.
  5. Nice looking fish. Around what area was this??
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