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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by McManus

  1. Both you and the Granby schools are in our prayers. Good teachers are hard to find. Do the Granby schools have a multitude of math teachers begging for jobs? My daughter has been teaching high school math for 8 years. At the time she went to work for the North Kansas City District they were giving signing bonuses for math and science teachers.
  2. Hook: TMC 5262 or 5263 10-18 Thread: black 6/0 or 8/0, gold bead Thorax; Peacock Body: medium copper wire. An underbody of thread Tail: Brown or black goose or turkey biots Wingcase: thin skin, or scud back: epoxy finsh or Sally Hansen's Hard as Nails If you check www.flyanglersonline.com for copper john: you'll find the recipe and pictures step by step. Hope this helps.
  3. I love it! Honey, I need a new saw to tie these jigs up right! Naw---she'll never buy it.
  4. Drew, It's NOT about the fishing.
  5. What kind of paint did you use on the jighead?
  6. My son goes to opening day at Bennett. I went with him once----not because I didn't enjoy it---I just have to work. We arrived 5 minutes before the whistle---reinforced coffee in hand and had a great time watching the anglers have their first casts. We adjourned to breakfast, and began fishing at about 11AM----by then most of the people were gone.
  7. Good thing Hound Dogs are tough.
  8. Lefty Kreh, had a demo at a seminar I attended: Proving that if you're right handed, you will reel in that LUNKER better if you're reeling with your right hand. I'm left handed and reel right, but it's true, I'd have better control reeling if I did it the other way.
  9. A friend and I were watching my son---then about 25 years old---casting, fishing, catching and releasing fish; while we sat on the bank smoking cigars to end our day. My friend asked; Did your son play football? I told him yes, and his response was---Well that's over, but this fun with your boy (or girl) can go on for a lifetime. How right he is.
  10. I finish mine, like I do most of my flies. I put two whip finishes on, each with 3 to 5 wraps, depending on the size of the fly.
  11. Should be retitled: Video for "Old Salts" I sent it to all my Navy buddies.
  12. Along with those hooks; I'd buy Hooks for the Fly, by William E. Schmidt. Stackpole books.----The hook manufacturers probably hate this guy. The book tells you the characteristics of a hook; and gives you the hooks by other manufacturers that are similar. If the recipe asks for a Mustad 3399; you can check to see if you have a Daiichi 1550, or a Eagle Claw L060; which are similar.
  13. My son bought me some Cocoons, and I never fish without them!!! WalMart's are probably just fine. My son probably bought these to keep me from doing one more dorky thing.
  14. OK, I don't fish Taney. But I believe, based on my experience elsewhere, that you should fish the edges of fast water. I think you'll find the fish holding at the edges, or in front of: or behind a rock or rocks. The food is moving fast so they have to make a decision in a hurry....and fish are like you and me in that respect----less time to decide may make it more likely to make a mistake--and take my crummy fly.
  15. Chuck Tryon wrote a book called 200 Missouri Smallmouth Streams. But most of the streams are right where you'd expect them to be--south and east in Missouri. If you find one close to K.C. I'd like to know.
  16. Hmmmm....I just love to go fishing, But I must keep count, because when I go and catch "nutin"---doesn't mean I didn't have a good time; but I know the count.
  17. I hate that! I grew up going to Kellogg Lake and fishing on Spring River near Carthage.
  18. "Like 'military intelligence', and 'airline cuisine', 'sophisticated angler' is an oxymoron." Thomas McGuane
  19. This morning during an interview about his new book; a member of the audience asked Trent Lott about "pork legislation"----Trent said he defined pork as any money spent north of Memphis.
  20. "Wherever the fish go, there are fishermen there to catch them,, ready for the excitement of bent rods, tight lines, frenzied leaps and expressing runs. Each finds in his particular kind of fishing a special sort of satisfaction and thrill that can be understood and appreciated ONLY by another fisherman" George Fichter. Hey---he says it better than me--so there's how I feel. To each his own, and I hope you love it as much as I.
  21. Gone Fishin', you've hit the nail on the head!!! Remove the labels and vote the issues that are important to you!!! Clean water, and clean air are my issues, and I vote for people in both major parties.
  22. I quit writing checks to either party, nationally. I send my money to the League of Conservation Voters, and allow them to disperse the money where it'll do the most for the environment.
  23. I loved it when Norm accepted the KU invitation, after he retired, to Allen Field House. He took the folding chair to center court and stood beside it one more time; while they screamed "Norm sit down!" It was a classy act, by a good sport.
  24. Hope you take some pictures tonight. It will be the ultimate: making lemonade out of the lemons, you've been dealt.
  25. The duo of idiots just called from Sand Spring Resort. They made it to Bennett. According to Matt the interstate was the worst part of the trip.
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