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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Thanks for the replies. I'm still weighing my options.
  2. Curious as to others opinions for what trolling motor best suits this boat. Boat will be powered by a 60/40 Mercury four stroke jet, and will be mostly for bull shoals tail water for trout and feeder creeks for bass. Thanks
  3. Thanks Seth, awesome rig. I didn't put this in my original post, but my other option and or alternative is to put a jet on my 150 hp etec on my 20' 70" Xpress. It's pretty wide and floats in less water than most might think. Dealer says around $2200 for the 50 hp jet conversion and $2800 for the 150 powerhead jet conversion. And the new 60hp jet etec (90 hp powerhead) is around $9600 before trade. I guess around $100 a horse still stands true....
  4. I'm debating on a installing a jet on my 50 hp etec from www.outboardjets.com in San Leandro, CA or doing a re-power with one of Evinrudes new factory jet outboards that come in 3 sizes. I will be choosing the 60 hp (jet hp not power head) It will most likely be going on my 16' 50" Xpress, and I was curious to know if anyone has had any dealings with either the outboard jet.com product, or the new Evinrude factory jets any maybe could give comparison and/or synopsis. Please advise.
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