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Everything posted by BeefRavioli

  1. Hey Al - Thanks for the input. I plan to be doing this trip the first full week of June, like on the 6th or 7th, which is a Monday or Tuesday. I had already thought about it being crowded, but hopefully it won't be to bad on a Mon/Tue. We were leaning towards the Buffalo River and I have talked to a company in Yellville, AR about canoe rental and fishing. I have fished parts of the Ouachita River and one of its creeks - Southfork Creek in Mt. Ida (scariest and best fishing trip of my life when I was 13) and have also been in and around the Caddo River. We wanted to explore NW Arkansas a bit but wanted to get some insight from some folks who have been around it a little. Sounds like this forum may be more Missouri based, so that's my fault. Thanks Again!
  2. Thanks so much for some direction! We have been looking at the Buffalo (online pics are very beautiful) but I am a bit concerned that it may be a very busy river. I will check out the other spots as well. Hope to be able to give you guys a report when its all said and done. The trip is not till June, so who know's if I will remember by then. Thanks again!
  3. I am open to any suggestions in the whole region. We still ultimately will end up in the Ouachita region as there is family there. Thanks!
  4. Hmmmmm....43 views and no comments. Is this the right forum? If not, could you please direct me to the right forum to ask the question? Or, maybe it is the Buckeye thing Thanks again!
  5. Hello All! I hope you do not mind a Buckeye invading your forum. My parents are from Southwest Arkansas and they lived in the Ozark's for a period of time, so I have some Arky blood in me. Anyways, my 17 year old son and I will be taking a father/son roadtrip this summer that is culminating with a Striper fishing trip on Lake Ouachita. Prior to that we would like to hang out in NW Arkansas for a bit and would love to float a small river or stream and do some fishing from the canoe. We will have to rent the canoe as we will not be bringing one with us down. Any suggestions you could share with me would be greatly appreciated! Thanks and I look forward to your responses!
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