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About b.howell

  • Birthday October 20

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  • Location
    Springfield, MO

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Bleeding Shiner

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  1. I grew up in Bella Vista, AR and they have a lot lakes like that. I had done the same thing, been in a paddle boat and 20' Ranger idles right past me. I am still working on just bugging the crap out of them on it.
  2. The fish tales that is listed is something different than what we are talking about.
  3. I am going to look into this and see if it is still running.
  4. I looked on the website for a contact about it. I will dig deeper on my lunch hour.
  5. I fished in the Fish Tales with my dad growing up. It was great because it had a youth and an adult division. The two people in the boat had to be related, and if two adults were together, they fished against each other and not as a team. I though it was no longer running though.
  6. I just need to find who contact and see if their is anything I can do that can get the ball rolling on this.
  7. The up and down weather could have forced them back deep. That shallow water will change drastically with temperature fluctuation like we are having. If we could get a consistent two weeks of weather, I bet they would be back up there.
  8. How many people here would be interested in trying to get the city to raise the horsepower limit on Fellows Lake from 40HP to 60HP. I love that lake but I want to explore the lake more and not just from the bank.
  9. Went out on the 13th and only caught two nice crappie and one white. Ended up with a nice limit of blacks though. Started at Bolivar Landing and went to Wheatland and worked our way back. Average of of 55 degree water. I am curious what this weather this weekend will do to the lake.
  10. Hey everyone, I am wanting to go on to Taneycomo with my boat for the first time and planned on putting in at Rockaway Beach. What advice can you give me for when I am running on the lake. I am not asking for fishing advice but navigation advice. All I will be in is a 17' Bass Tracker. How far either way would you recommend going from rockaway beach. All advice is appreciated.
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