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Everything posted by bassfisher

  1. Coffman cove 57 degrees, Davis cove 58, highpoint cove 59.4 at 5:30pm. Here are the eggs in one female white bass, a lot of people on the bank at Coffman bur did not see any crappie caught, although I did find the crappie staged in 15ft, I caught white bass at highpoint and bass, the bass were on the banks.
  2. Was at highpoint this evening for a few hours, bass and whites on war eagle going back early, crappie staged up . 15ft
  3. I'll be at Coffman this evening hopefully I'll get some fish to eat
  4. And to be honest I'm no white bass fisherman I just happened to come up on those big white the evening they were doing that blowing up all over and they have not done that since
  5. Slab slinger I'm sorry but the whites are thick right now with current weather conditions they will shut on and shut off, the one big female pic I have was taken at highpoint boat launch and caught on an electric chicken Bobby garland was full of eggs getting ready to let loose on her eggs, I've watched them blow up in Coffman 2 weeks ago, not downing you at all but they are almost done spawning, that's real I've cleaned the big sows, eggs like mush and loaded warm temps this year is going to draw them in and out and they're going to board their eggs in the lake
  6. Yes sorry 123 was at work not really thinking at the time ,sorry about that
  7. About a mile up the river on the left from highpoint launch, you can see 215 bridge from there
  8. Got it working perfectly thanks guys
  9. If any of you guys have one of these in light me on the best way to use this to get the most clarity and to see the fish better
  10. If any of you guys have one of these in light me on the best way to use this to get the most clarity and to see the fish better
  11. As you can tell all male crappie
  12. Now all those white bass were females and the eggs were like mush, I've never caught whites the size I did, but I never got small ones, I used a bigger bait like the gentleman commented on using spinnerbaits, I also caught a few using a white willow leaf, I did notice were the shad are you will find them. But my thoughts are they are almost done spawning. I'm think male crappie are very close to moving up to start fanning the beds, and I would guess end of this week I checked my calander, and this time last year I caught them early in the morning and they shut down around 8:00 am. I'll be at highpoint Saturday, if you see me sat hello.this pic is from third week of March last year around highpoint all caught on an electric chicken Bobby garland
  13. I would say fishing would be good by this weekend. Usually after a cold snap it takes a few days to get them going again, I caught those in the back of Coffman cove. David Neill is my boss,
  14. I would say fishing would be good by this weekend. Usually after a cold snap it takes a few days to get them going again, I caught those in the back of Coffman cove.
  15. Hello my name is Jason I was a member before but forgot my email, so had to register again. Was out in Coffman cove Saturday before last, white bass were really feeding on shad, then the next day they shut off, all fish I caught were females, getting ready to spawn any day. 3 inch swimming minnow, is what I used. Went Sunday for crappie, no dice. I'd say the males will be on the bank early this weekend.
  16. Hello my name is Jason I was a member before but forgot my email, so had to register again. Was out in Coffman cove Saturday before last, white bass were really feeding on shad, then the next day they shut off, all fish I caught were females, getting ready to spawn any day. 3 inch swimming minnow, is what I used. Went Sunday for crappie, no dice. I'd say the males will be on the bank early this weekend.
  17. Nice mess of crappie
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