Hey all,
I have been lurking around these forums for a while and like a lot of the information. I bass fish quite a bit, but my brother-in-law and I are planning on taking a day trip to Roaring River this weekend to try our hand at trout. I did, however, have a few questions about some of the rules at Roaring River as I don't feel like getting yelled at. Also, my brother in law is just 13, and I am really just looking for him to catch some fish and have a good time, so any info would be great.
First, I have read you may only have one pole, but I am assuming that means use one at a time. I plan on walking around with a spinning rod in one hand and my fly rod in the other.
Second, I read where your stringer needs your name and address on it. Is that only if you walk away from it? Or is that necessary at all times?
Third, please define a 'fly'. I my brother-in-law takes his spinning rod and throws a jig in Zone 2, is that close enough?
Finally, if we catch a limit and clean them, am I in the clear to continue fishing in the catch and release only portion of Zone 2?
Thank you very much, and any other tips/tricks would be appreciated. Thanks!