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Everything posted by Cameronrulz

  1. Well today ended up being pretty tough. Drop shots and Ned rigs were the only thing that produced for us. 1 largemouth up Sons creek. The rest, 1 largemouth, 2 smallmouth, and 2 drum off main lake points. I did feel better when everyone else we saw (on the water and at the ramp) said they weren’t catching either. Not because not catching fish is fun, but it makes me feel less like I am terrible at fishing. 1 largemouth and 1 smallie were keepers, and I did lose a good (big?) fish on a glide bait. Today was definitely a “bad day fishing is better than a good day at work” kind of day for me!
  2. Thank you very much! That does answer my question. Those baits are what I had in mind, but I just am not confident enough in actually finding the fish yet. Thanks again!
  3. I am heading up to Stockton tomorrow, and was just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction to find some fish. We will be putting in at Roark. Should I head up one of the creeks? Or move up more main lake, toward the state park? Not trying to get any specific spots, just hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks!
  4. Anyone in the Pineville area know how high the water on Big Sugar is today? I want to fish it for the first time this year tomorrow, but didn't know if it was wadeable or not. If anyone knows I would appreciate it. Thanks!
  5. Sounds good. I will check that out, thank you. Is going near the dam pointless without wading? Also, which public access fishing docks are recommended if I am not having luck elsewhere? Thanks again!
  6. Hey all. I was wanting to make a trip to Taneycomo for the first time next week. The trouble is, I am stuck to fishing from shore. I have no boat, no waders, nothing. So, I would like to know if it is possible or reasonable to attempt to fish from shore. I know there are fishing docks, which I may check out anyway, but I was wanting to start near the dam and hike my way down. If this isn't worth pursuing, any advice as to what else I can do would be appreciated. I mostly don't want to drive down and feel that I have wasted the gas a few hours worth of time because I don't know where to begin. Thanks!
  7. Hey, thank you very much for the advice. We were successful! He caught all day long on an orange and black rooster tail, ended up with about 12 fish. I caught some on a F03 silver and black Rapala, then switched to the fly rod and had success on an olive and black wooly bugger. We didn't ever have success on jigs or with PowerBait eggs or worms, so we switched back to what was working when we first arrived and continued to catch fish. Thanks again for the advice, and we will probably head back soon.
  8. Hey all, I have been lurking around these forums for a while and like a lot of the information. I bass fish quite a bit, but my brother-in-law and I are planning on taking a day trip to Roaring River this weekend to try our hand at trout. I did, however, have a few questions about some of the rules at Roaring River as I don't feel like getting yelled at. Also, my brother in law is just 13, and I am really just looking for him to catch some fish and have a good time, so any info would be great. First, I have read you may only have one pole, but I am assuming that means use one at a time. I plan on walking around with a spinning rod in one hand and my fly rod in the other. Second, I read where your stringer needs your name and address on it. Is that only if you walk away from it? Or is that necessary at all times? Third, please define a 'fly'. I my brother-in-law takes his spinning rod and throws a jig in Zone 2, is that close enough? Finally, if we catch a limit and clean them, am I in the clear to continue fishing in the catch and release only portion of Zone 2? Thank you very much, and any other tips/tricks would be appreciated. Thanks!
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