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Bleeding Shiner

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  1. Thanks again for all the suggestions. Yeah I do not plan to take the boat out during the day on the weekends. We will reserve that for during the week and probably go early/late in the day. We will do most of our fishing w/the kids from the docks. Should be able to snag something small for them. I assume it can't be worse than Okoboji on July 4th (that lake is over crowded that weekend). Its to the point of annoying and I haven't gone back in about 5 years because of it. It will take you 50min to go a mile because there are boats tied up or anchored everywhere. Thanks again and stay safe. Sounds like Central Missouri is supposed to get wet this weekend!
  2. Well we will just have to pick and choose our times to go out in the boat. I assume most of the time will be fishing from the docks. I have been warned about the craziness of the lake. Several people have told me not to even try on the weekends, said its just out of control (basically like rush hour in Chicago). Luckily we are in one of the bays (arms off the main channel) so hopefully we can hang around in there for a while. I was just basically looking for ideas on how to target some of the fish down there. I could care less if I catch any walleye, it will be nice to target some other species. Thanks again for all the advice.
  3. Thank you. Yeah we will be fishing from shore for the most part, but will try and get the pontoon out at least a couple of times. I have one questions "Beer Bread" as bait? Would worms and minnows work just as good? Thanks again for your response. Just looking to bend a couple of rods for the little kids. Trying to get them hooked onto fishing.
  4. anyone? Bueler? Not looking for secret spots, just wondering what fish are popular in this lake? We always target Walleye and Northern when we go up north. What are the popular fish in Lake of the Ozarks? Any trouble areas around Osage Beach we need to look out for?
  5. Looking for ideas/suggestions on where to fish and what species to target? My family has always gone up north for vacation, but this year is trying out Lake of the Ozarks. We are staying in the Osage Beach area. Any tips or suggestions would be great. We will have young children who we are trying to get hooked onto fishing as well. Also any suggestions on areas of the lake to visit would be helpful. Never been down to this lake, but hear good things about it. Thanks
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