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Everything posted by libbygrace98

  1. I'm heading to Devil's Den State Park to do some camping and hiking this weekend. Does anyone know of any good places to fish around there? I'm pretty unfamiliar with the area. I'm coming from Springfield, so I'd be willing to stop at some places along the way too! Thanks in advance!
  2. Had a great weekend snagging near Wigwam access. I met my dad, sister, and brother-in-law there after a three hour drive from Springfield. My BIL and I both snagged some gorgeous spoonbill! We were both using dipsy divers. We didn't have a scale with us but we guessed that mine was about 60lbs and Cody's was about 70. These guys sure are fun to catch, and even better to eat! There were quite a few boats on the water and pretty much everyone had something tied on.
  3. Hello! My name is Libby and I'm a new member and somewhat experienced angler. I've fished with my dad all my life, but I'm trying to branch out a little more and fish more of Missouri's waters. I'm in the process of learning how to fly fishing and I'm hoping to learn more about trout fishing in Missouri and Arkansas. I go to school in Springfield, and I'm still trying to figure out some great spots to fish and enjoy the outdoors. I'm getting ready to spend the summer in Yellowstone National Park and I'll probably be spending my time away from work fishing and watching out for grizzlies! I'd be very thankful for any suggestions you can give to someone who is new to finding her own fishing gear and places to fish. And any tips for fly fishing would be great too! Here's a picture of me with a spoonbill I snagged a while back.
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