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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mark

  1. You won't find electric on the river. Otherwise Greer CG is nice on the river at Hwy 19 bridge. Private CGs w/electric near Alton but a few miles from river.
  2. See Trip planning thread pinned at top.... Rivers levels should be good. All depends on how many miles you want to cover daily and if you are floating 2 full days or 3 full days. The Greer to Riverton float is 21 miles and the most scenic section but also the most traffic, although traffic is never what I consider congested on the 11 pt except for holidays. The river flattens out below Riverton for a good stretch, but the Narrows area is pretty. Open gravel bars can get scarce so you want to start looking by 5 or 6pm. If you haven't explored the springs on your first trip, I would recommend taking the time - Greer is a hike but worth it, Turner, Boze, Morgan, and the Narrows are all scenic. Lots of firewood!! Trout fishing was good 2 weeks ago. From Turner access down is White Ribbon - any bait, limit of 4 any size. Throw a line out 30' behind you as you float w/hook and enough sinker to bounce off the bottom and use corn, worms, catch a craydad or seine a few minnows, and you'll likely catch supper. Trout tap it lightly, be ready to set the hook!! Mike and Wendy Jones at Huffstedlers Canoe Rental at Riverton are good too and down river where you will likely take out. They will shuttle you or your vehicle. The MDC mile by mile map is useful.
  3. Geez, Al, your average day is a record day for me. Wish I had your expertise! And wish I knew more about how to fish Ozark streams. I'm clueless, but enjoy trying!! I've thought about the old wood also from watching that TV show Ax Men about the loggers harvesting the old Cyprus in the bayou for big money.
  4. Thanks guys, gonna hold off for a couple weeks. I was afraid it would still be tough wading, May hit the lake for blue gill. Love the fresh blue gill!!
  5. Rymers, Buck Hollow, and Alley Springs open. Gavin, I've only went sight seeing once at all JF accesses. You seem pretty familiar. River is at 500 cfs now but was at 280 before Sat. rain. Nothing major in near future so I expect it to be back under 300cfs by next week. Do you think we can wade a good ways upstream and downstream at Rymers? Or do you have a better choice? My buddy isn't big on spending all day in a canoe, so we want some place to wade.
  6. Bumping this up. Heading down next week for several days. Setting up base camp at one of accesses on upper JF. Right now it looks like Rymer. Although we will float one day, mostly want to wade fish from camp. Looking for advice on which access offers best wading - Rymers, Buck Hollow,or Salvation Army camps.. River at 500cfs today but was down to 280cfs before last Sat rain, so I expect it to be back down by next week.
  7. I'm a little slow Al
  8. Yeah I know I can look at river levels online but not familiar with Buffalo River so I don't know for sure what constitutes tad high, normal, slightly low, and very low.
  9. Any updates Brian? At the risk of sounding selfish while you all deal with the clean up, just wondering what are the chances of the river being open for Memorial Day? Periodic updates would be appreciated. How is Whitten?
  10. Looking for alternative since flooding has destroyed accesses to some of your usual rivers. Never been on the Black River. What we like to do is set up base camp on a gravel bar for 4-5 days, and wade fish and take short floats throughout the day. Noticed on the maps there are a few accesses located off county roads. I'm thinking we could find a gravel bar a hundred yards upstream or downstream from the access, and set up base camp. Is this plan possible or are we likely to get hassled by landowners? Is all the land private or is there sections public? I realize there is a campground at Hwy K, we want to get away from crowds. I also realize that a on a lot of rivers, private landowners may not mind floaters camping for a night along the way on their private property, and move on the next day. I'm just wondering if we can get away with setting up camp for 4-5 nights somewhere???
  11. Looking for somewhere to go for Memorial Day weekend and after for a few days. How is the different sections of the Buffalo? What can we expect for Memorial Day weekend?
  12. I know I have grown sick of politics and politicians. Politics was never intended to be a career, and definitely not a profitable career.
  13. The Founding Fathers warned us of a two party political system. We do need a major third party if, for nothing else, to end the majority advantage in Congress. If no party had a majority of votes in either chamber of congress, then everyone would have to compromise. That's what I am really sick of - the pure partisan politics - and the voting is strictly along political lines in Congress. No wonder we can't get anything done. And no one dares step outside party politics without fearing losing the next election.
  14. considering Buffalo too Taildragger
  15. THIS IS AN EXCELLENT On youtube, the lectures from a freshman level class at Missouri Sate U entitled "OZK 150: Introduction to Ozark Studies by Dr. Blevins. There are 30 lectures of :50. Lecture 1: The Where and What of the Ozarks. Very interesting and Dr. Blevins is an awesome lecturer. I watched about the first t2 or so that takes history up to the early 1800s, my main interest, and just never got back to the rest. But one lecture covers Native Indians, one French arrival, another on venicular, - starts every lecture with Ozark Vocabulary Words of the Day - pretty funny!! This blew me away - He kids that the area should be called The Ozark Valleys instead of the Ozark Mts., as every hill is formed from erosion. The only true mountains with evidence of volcanic activity (which defines a true mountain) is the St. Francois Mts. specifically Elephant Rocks of granite. Missouri was a flat marsh at one time. I may post this under General Discussion so more people see it. Hope you all will enjoy.
  16. Had a May 20-22 trip planned with nephew on middle Current. Looking for an alternative trip on smaller stream or upper river with the hopes that they may recede in 2 weeks and be floatable and fishable for smallmouth. Coming from Ste. Genevieve and looking for something within 2-3 hrs and 15-25 mile float. So many smaller streams I have heard about, but never floated, may have ideal water in 2 weeks as they will recede sooner. A few that come to mind are upper Castor, Mineral Fork, Forks of the Black. Hate to cancel trip since only 2nd trip together with nephew and I don't get to see him often. Advice appreciated.
  17. Read the Schoolcraft account of exploring the Ozarks if you haven't already. He paints as good of picture as Al, pun intended:)
  18. I also remember reading old accounts of the old growth forest of huge pines and the bed of pine needles on the forest floor that kept the undergrowth down, making for easy travel thru the forest, or at least easier than it would be today. Made sense to me.
  19. Glad you mentioned climate change, which global warming is just one factor. Perhaps the most significant characteristic predicted with even slight increased global temperatures is extreme weather conditions and more severe weather with increased tornados, hurricanes, periods of drought, periods of extreme rainfall, even extreme winters. Just a spike in the average global temperature is the tip of the iceberg. It changes the entire dynamics of our global weather patterns.
  20. thanks and looked at Brian's Facebook. Unbelievable pictures from Current and Eleven Point.
  21. Brian, how is the Eleven Point area holding up with the flooding? Hope you are safe and dry. Seeing some incredible pictures on Facebook; Two Rivers Canoe Rental store is completely under water and Harvey's has water up to the roof. Both places good people and outfitters. Sorry to the people for such a devastating loss. Prayers their way!!
  22. thanks all, specific cfs numbers are a big help. Would rather delay trip instead of floating fast water and not catching any fish.
  23. Looking for specifics cfs numbers for ideal? 400 cfs? high but fishable? 800cfs?
  24. chub, I have a trip planned from Pulltite to Two Rivers on May 20-22. I realize that's a few weeks away and a lot can change, but big rains in the forecast this weekend. I'm not familiar enough with the river to be able to judge the fishing by the river levels. Can you give me some guidance on cfs levels for ideal fishing? may be OK fishing? and I'll assume 1,000 cfs is about your cutoff point to even consider fishing it? Looks like it could be a repeat of last year when rivers were too high until dang near end of June.
  25. And keep an eye on river levels, it's high right now with a couple good storms just moved thru.
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